Monday, March 1, 2010

31 of my current favorite things

Thanks for the birthday wishes that have poured in via email, telephone, twitter, facebook and in person.  I am feeling quite loved.  I thought a good way to capture this place is some of the things that make me happy just now.  The whole list could be people, family, friends, colleagues, etc.. So this is going to be things other than people.  Things I think you all might enjoy as well as my little gift to you on what is for most of you save a couple birthday buddies (Hi Nathaniel!) your very merry un-birthday!

Here they are in completely random order.  Some you'll expect if you're a frequent reader, but I'll throw in a few new ones to keep things fun:)

1) Zumba - Check it out at your local Y or elsewhere.  It is such a mood lift for me these days.  I literally did an extra class last week to pull me out of a growing funk. I'm feeling better, thank you.

2) Summery Baby girl clothes like this and this from Crazy8.

3) Fun, sweet, papers like the Dear Lizzy Collection from American Crafts.

4) Baby M's very first tooth!  (Bottom Left).

5) Listening to B explain how to play Mario Kart or reminding me what Santa brought him (Blue Lightening McQueen, of course).

6) Making another (better) batch of Caramel Peanut Popcorn.

7) Two weeks of olympic coverage including sharing a first moment of figure skating competitions with baby M who I know will love this in four years when she is a little girl skipping in circles around this memory.

8) Images from a Blooming Birthday Party via The Party Dress Blog.

9)  Looking at other people's dreaming craft rooms and thinking about someday, but also appreciate that we're lucky enough to have a space for me to work and play in our house.

10) Enjoying all the fun images the internet has to offer like a a dozen different styles of sugar cubes as shown on Violet Hours.

11)  All the goodies my sister bought me from the Basic Grey Nook & Pantry collection --- don't you love that cupcake paper? Awesome.

12) Looking at and sharing all the crafty things my friends and family do and make - these range from scrapbooking, through knitting, gardening, cooking, making music, blogging and more. So fun!

13)  Thickers - You knew they were coming right? I bought a bunch for myself via PeachyCheap's grab bag last week and got some more from Audra and Chrissie. Thanks ladies. Love them.

14)  Beautiful photographs of my baby lady - See them at  Select "My Photos" and enter the password "maggie" (lower case). Love them!

15) I found knee boots that fit! This is a big personal victory.  So far I haven't worn them anywhere other than to our Valentine's picnic here in the living room, but I love them.  B tried them on too.  They are thigh high on him and hilarious.  I love them.

16) I love talking on the phone with old friends. (Thank you Heather and Mary).

17) I love meeting other people's babies and watching them grow.

18)  I love Oklahoma sunsets.  Have you ever seen one? Here's a glimpse of one from my Mom's photo stash.

19)  Fun old is new ideas for crafty things on Etsy like these heart-shaped crayons.

20) Look at all these fun, creative hair clips from Lily Bug Boutique.  They make me smile.  Sometimes I think I should make some bows myself and sometimes I think I should just order some of these butterflies and ladybugs and call it good:)

21) Sometimes simple things like these butterfly tags just make me smile.

22) I love that sometimes delicious things are as simple as Smitten Kitchen's take on the tomato sauce with onion and butter.  I've read about this in several places and finally tried it.  Delicious and incredibly easy.

23) Baby smiles, laughs and all the steps and changes that come anew each new day with our little lady.

24) Watching Brent and M laugh at each other.

25) Snuggling up with B under our blankets.

26) Sitting with Chrissie quietly scrapbooking together in the chaos of the Wii/Crop party.

27) Telling my stories and share my memories and craziness with you all:)

28) Traveling - Vegas is coming:) I do really like looking back at where we've been and still dream of where we might go if/when we have the resources.

29) Reading stories from my favorite bloggers which lately includes (besides my friends and family).  Thanks to these ladies for their wonderful writing, beautiful images, and inspirational ideas.
30) Kisses, hugs, and happy thoughts - They can be found anywhere as demonstrated in this list, just keep looking.

31) I get to have another year with you, my family, my friends and my every so blessed life. Thank you. Thank you and here's to many more.

1 comment:

Summer said...

Happy belated birthday! I love so many of the things you posted, but most of all the pics of gorgeous Miss M!! Do you know how jealous I am of her rolls? I LOVE fat little babies and I got stuck with a skinny one this time. It's ok, C's feet are still pudgy so I'll have to make do munching on those. You're definitely one of my go-to girls when I'm looking for cute stuff for my girls though, so many of the sites/products you posted are awesome and I could never find them on my own. Thanks so much!


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