Wednesday, December 5, 2018

December Daily 2018: Days 2 & 3

One way I'm trying to make this project more reasonable this year while still blogging it is posting a couple days at a time.  This project is a marathon, not a sprint and the idea is not to tell every story or make every day into the greatest work of art. (Yes, I'm reminding me as much as you).  With that in mind, here are days two and three.
 Day 2 - Full page spread. 
 I am very tempted to put something in those other circles.  I may yet.  That said a bit of visual space in this album is a good thing too.
 The facing page - the first pocket has a card fro the kit that seemed appropriate for our first Christmas party of December.  We were celebrating the 2nd Annual Jones family Christmas Movie watching.  The image is all of us at the Jones' house watching Elf in their movie room.  It was a busy day and great to share food, fun, and Christmas cheer with Brent's family.  We had lunch and stayed to play a bit too.
Day 3 - I spent part of the day just being overwhelmed about all the preparations I need to be doing. I made lists, I vented to my sister, I tried to make progress.  Then I was reminded of something from this week's homily (and probably every Advent of my life).  Advent is about the preparation and part of its lesson is to look for the joy and beauty in the preparation, not just in the party.  So, to refocus, I gathered up most of the supplies we had purchased earlier that day and marveled at them for their beauty, not as parts of a bigger project plan. I pondered how nice it was to see a new friend while shopping and how her smile and stopping to say Hi added joy to a chaotic shopping trip with y kids.  I considered the supplies we gathered and really are lovely.  There are blush decorations I'm adding, just because they make me happy.  There are red and gold paper goods for parties to come and red, green, and gold wrapping supplies.  There are new ornaments - some to keep and some to share at upcoming events. There are advent candles to light as we prep and pray. 

The beauty of a fully decorated house full of party guests is still weeks away, but there is beauty in the pieces too and joy in the preparation.  So today I'm embracing Advent rather than fretting about not being "ready" yet and suddenly these steps are less stressful and more purposeful.  What a good idea. 

1 comment:

Debra Dotter Blakley said...

A good word for December might be Savor. I loved seeing the picture of you making cookies with your kiddos, you look happy and relaxed. Try to Savor each day, or at least some of each day. I love you, dear.


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