Friday, January 22, 2010

Family Fun + Exercise

We had such a fun Friday night. B is old enough now to play more and more games.  According to the Wii Fit Plus once you turn three a lot more games are open to you.  I think a wiggle three year old drives the thing a bit nuts, but it was fun.  The boys took turn playing games in the "Training Plus" area.  Helping B play the games was pretty good exercise too as we would help him lean in various directions. He, of course, wanted to play the "space ship game." Those familiar with the Wii Fit will know there isn't a spaceship game, but there is a tilting game where you try to get various balls into tubes of corresponding colors and then fireworks go off when you do it correctly.

Maggie and I helped a little, danced a little and mostly laughed at each other and the boys.  That is quality Friday night family fun and maybe a tiny bit of exercise too.

Oh, speaking of which, I tried another new exercise style today -- Zumba!  This is mix of Latin dance and aerobics.  As a bonus, the instructor isn't wearing a microphone so no one is yelling at you.  An hour later, I was covered in sweat, but happy.  Somewhere halfway through I realized that prior to this month it has probably been 9 years since I did classes like this.  I've been exercising that whole time (in spurts) but by myself or maybe with Brent or Jessie.  Mostly, just the Wii /DVDs or elliptical machines somewhere.  This is pretty fun and nice to have a time you need to arrive.  I thought Zumba was a great way to exercise and think it will be my new Friday treat.  We followed our gym trip with lunch at OSSM so a very good family day all around.  Hope yours was great too!

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