Sunday, we went up to the farm to visit my parents and hang out with my sister. B loves the farm. Most of all he seems to love the lawn mower (aka "tractor"). He gets to ride it both at my parents' house and at Brent's parents' house as well. He could be on there for ages. He gets so happy and excited. I think my favorite moment was coming outside when he was picking "punkins" (actually small watermelons) with my mom and Audra. He took my hand in his, led me over and presented me with a punkin and proceeded to show me around. It was so adorable. So much of the time when he says "hand" and wants to lead us somewhere I don't want to go (or he isn't supposed to whatever it is he wants to do). This time I was able to give in and let the magic of the moment in his little boy hand take over and it was so heart breakingly sweet. I will treasure that for years.
The farm has other adventures for small boys as well. B checked out the chickens and swung on the swing. He observed the fish in my mom's pond and chased the kittens a little bit. He pushed around random things and ran through the grass. He took a long lazy nap in the quiet afternoon and then woke up to visit his great-grandmother. How lucky is he to get to meet his 93-old great-grandmother.
As evening drew near, B was back outside playing. We had his favorite "pizza" and "toasted ravs" to honor St. Louis and Aunt Audra. We even snuck in some more fried okra:) It was a delicious day. I look forward to many more and I know B does too. A quick farm get-away is just the thing for a little one who needs to run, play and discover.
(Ps was INCREDIBLY windy - you may be able to see this in the windy, you maybe able to see
"This Week" Project
Sunday Journaling --- The final day
Our Meals:
Breakfast: left over Pumpkin Cranberry muffins (The Ultimate Muffin Book), cereal, milk, banana
Snacks: Soda and cheese for Brent & I, bagel, goldfish crackers and cereal for B -- lots of sneaking extra bits of dessert here and there throughout the day as well as marshmallows & tootsie rolls, water
Lunch: Sandwiches, chips, pasta salad, pumpkin cheesecake, & red velvet cake, water & milk
Dinner: Fried Okra, Pizza, "toasted ravs" and more dessert
-- I feel like we ate all day, so delicious though - Thanks MOM!
Our Day:
8am - 10am - get up and ready, breakfast, showers, B and I snacked and played in the back yard and at his picnic table, Brent made homework assignment, did laundry got ready to go to the farm
10-11:15- drove to the farm, stop in Crescent for ice and soda (aka "pop" as we live in Oklahoma again:))
11:15-12:45 - tractor riding, garden tours, lunch, play time generally at the farm
12:45 - 4:15pm - B naps, my parents rests as they are getting sick, Brent works on lesson plans, Audra & I (and sometimes others) chat about whatever
4:15-5:30 - B wakes up, we snuggle and head to great-grandma's, play with ball, and puppy and are generally enteratining, eat, spit, snack and head back to my parents.
5:30-7:15 - Ride the tractor and play in the pick-up, run around with Aunt Audra, have dinner, chat on the porch, gather up to head back ---Aunt Audra discovers her keys are missing
7:15-8:30 - drive home, fret about keys, B keeps himself awake being silly
8:30-9- Look frantically for keys -finally found in B's room, B meanwhile takes a bath with daddy and gets ready for bed, read "Oh my, Oh my, Oh Dinosaurs!" and "Mars Needs Moms" (the first twice at least, the later...well, maybe 1/2)
9-12 - Brent tries to work, B not going to sleep - screaming/crying on and off, chat with Audra, upload pics, try to figure out B's problem, try to get him to sleep with us, doesn't work nor do any of our good ideas including magic tylenol, must be with Daddy, finally Daddy and boy sort something out together to get a little rest.... B wakes at 4:30 or so and cycle continues. (See subsequent post for more, but we've been to the Doctor and he is apparently OK and took a HUGE nap today... if only we got to too). Our apologies to Aunt Audra for a rough night. We miss you already!
Wow, what a day! How wonderful that B was able to spend time with his great-grandmother. It's hard to get the little ones to appreciate these experiences! We have a similar situation, T and N's great-grandmother on Patrick's side just turned 98, and we just don't get to spend enough time with her since she lives in Oklahoma.
That was a sweet moment when B led you to his punkin. I'm so glad that happened while you were doing this journaling so you have it documented to tell him about years from now.
I'm glad to hear that B is okay...but sad to hear that your sleep has been so interrupted. I hope for all of your sakes that he returns to a normal schedule soon.
One more thing...I just scheduled the kiddos' flu shots because your comment reminded me! :) Thanks!
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