Sunday, November 16, 2008

Happy Saint's Day to Me!

I was flipping through the hymnal at church last week and discovered that my Saint's day is today! As I think most of you know, I'm Catholic and in the Catholic church you take a Saint's name at confirmation. For many, it is a Saint you were named after, but much to the chagrin of all my Sunday School teachers growing up I do not share a name with any Saint they could locate. (Note: B of course does and it adds to the "scholarly voyager" meaning of his name --- there are other less pleasant meanings too, but we focus on this one or "prince").

My name saint is Saint Margaret of Scotland. Hers is a bit of a rough story (and strangely not quite the one I remember learning), but with some good lessons overall. In 2004, Brent & I actually visited St. Margaret's chapel that her son King David likely built for her at Edinburgh Castle in Scotland. (Ok, so we sort of happened on to it by accident, but it makes a better story if I went there intentionally, right?) As to our celebration, well, I've never really celebrated my name saint's day particularly although older traditions might include a special meal, or something around the symbols associated with the Saint. I think for us it will just be a moment of reflection, but I'm open to ideas, perhaps something a bit Scottish?

1 comment:

Debra Dotter Blakley said...

Now you're just showing off, with pictures from Scotland, including yourself. Love it! I've found that all the saints' stories vary widely, depending on who is telling the story. Just like everyone elses story, I guess.


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