Thursday, November 13, 2008

Love Thursday: In Sickness

My original intent for this week's Love Thursday was a gushy retrospective on a decade with my sweet hubby. However, as my day progressed yesterday I started feeling a bit icky and then more so and plans changed. Rather than a romantic evening to celebrate the day or at least a working evening while Brent did Dorm Duty, I seemed to have caught the flu or have had a bad dinner out. So, it was a rough night and a rough day. It is a tricky thing to be sick when one of your jobs is watching an energetic little guy. You can call in sick for work, but not for this job. In B's defense, he did snuggle in close and watch the Muppet Movie with me which was snuggly wonderful.

Brent went in and taught then came back to rescue me. He brought me ginger ale and crackers and took care of everything so that I could have the four hour nap I needed after a nearly sleepless night. He watched B and brought me drinks, doing whatever I could ask or he could think of to help. Mind you I'm not really that sick, and am a bad patient generally (mostly because I have no patience for being sick). I hope we avoid those true sicknesses that bring the "in sickness" vows to play but that fear is always out there. I love that I know I will be well cared for and that B will as well should those days ever come. Today, I'm loving having a spouse that loves me and takes such patient gentle good care of us no matter what may comes. So, a slightly different post than anticipated, but that is my love this Thursday.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good job, Brent. You make Momma proud!!


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