Monday, August 31, 2009

Interesting break through, maybe....

So Maggie (shall we call her M? MJ? Magpie? open to blog nicknames)... anyway, she had started this unpleasant fussiness habit where she appears to be hungry, but when you try to feed her doesn't really eat, cries, and will calm briefly, but seems largely not willing to calm down for any length of time. It is more often in the evenings, but happens occasionally at other times. We had been thinking it was tummy issues as were focusing on the eating connection. Think I may have had a break through this evening though. She stops fussing if you will just lay her down. Granted, she seems to insist on being laid down near you and prefers initially as she drifts off to be touching you. Amazingly after a hour plus of trying all sorts of things what worked was just letting her lay on her back on the sofa next to me with her legs touching me..... yeah... quick reminder that some times the simple thing is the actual answer. In this instance, even though I tend toward snuggles some people want to sleep on their own and just knowing you are nearby. Being in my own head I was trying the wrong things. Such a learning curve as always, but did enjoy getting to spend the evening working it out with her even though she struggled and I got no work done (grading exams now days). Such a sweet sleeping baby. I wonder if this will work tomorrow too? The next test... can we transfer her from the couch to bed and she still be asleep.... To be continued...

(Ps No, Brent's fiddling with the car seat did not solve the problem for those of you wondering about that...)

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