Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Halloween begins!

We have A LOT of Halloween things on our plate this week. It remains to be seen if we will actually do all of them. The festivities started today with a Halloween party at MDO. I was one of the classroom mom volunteers (trying to get this in before returning to work). It was great fun as I got to snap pics, see all the costumes and hang out with the kids. I got a great picture of B's class---- that he refused to participate in, ugghh... I also sadly didn't get a picture of this incredible captain hook costume one toddler was wearing complete with HUGE hat and feather. It was awesome. We opted not to have B wear his actual costume. First, it isn't "quite" complete (Brent is feverishly photoshoping away in the background---don't ask). Second, it is not going to be a costume one would wear for hours at a time. It is being constructed by special request of B and to his imaginings more or less as you shall see.

For today, however, he wore his new Buzz Lightyear PJs. He loved it and there were several other more sophisticated buzz costumed kids there to play with. I dropped him off for a few hours of play, pizza party and other fun before returning at 1:30 for the trick-or-treating portion of the events. I was assigned three small ones to usher around and only made it back with two... In my defense, E's dad was in one of the rooms we stopped by so she stayed there. Back in Ms. Vonda's room they got a few more treats and started to dig in. I think they had a great time and B seems to be grasping the whole trick-or-treat concept more and more.

After school, we headed to a local garden center type place. (Not sure what to call it as it is like a garden store, but in the parking lot/building of an old gas station?) We, once again, failed to find a pumpkin patch this year, but must have pumpkins, particularly as the Palfreyman pumpkin carving festivities are tomorrow!! I like this place as it has a wide variety of pumpkins, squashes and other interesting gourds to choose from. B picked out his very own pumpkin, several gourds, small pumpkins for M and big ones for Daddy and Mama. It was INCREDIBLY windy and getting cool, but still lots of fun. M had her pumpkin pics in STL thankfully and stayed wrapped up in her stroller. I so enjoy pumpkins and wished our visit could have been slightly more leisurely. Nonetheless, we came home with a great stash and had a fun time together gathering them up.

Next up - Palfreyman Pumpkin Carving!

Ps - M only woke up once last night... hoping it is a new trend. Hardly knew what to do with myself. Also, moving up to intermediate sleep training. I'm starting to put her down with drowsy eyes rather than fully asleep. About 50% success rate, but still impressive at this point. We shall see....

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