Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Happy Birthday Sweet Boy!

Dear B,
  Today, you turned three and your father and I marveled at the time that had passed.  We can remember so distinctly the labor, delivery, those first few days, and so many milestones in between.  Most of these are a blur to you or things you won't remember at all, but are treasured to us because they are part of who you are.

 I know this has been a year of tumult for you with the arrival of your baby sister and the craziness that is being two.  There have been days where we both have cried or been angry, but in the end the days we've giggle, cuddled and played together outweigh those by far.  I've loved to see you learn to love books and especially enjoy it when you "read" to us.  Your interests have flourished as you have grown into a little person all your own.  I have no idea where the fascination with Robots appeared from, but I am so enjoying it.

There have been so many milestones this year, but those will be detailed in another post.  Today, I just want to thank you for being my sweet wonderful boy.  Thank you for the hugs, kisses and sweet "I love you too." Thank you for taking good care of me when I'm crying or sick.  Already, you are learning skills and empathy that will make you a wonderful man someday. I know that there are more struggles ahead, but know that we can work through them all together.  Thank you for bringing our lives your sweet, unbridled joy and life's simplest things.  You have reminded us all to appreciate the things we may take for granted (such as say, cool undies or animal crackers).

I love your curious mind and how many things you've learned.  You are so inquisitive and quick to learn whatever you can.  My hope is that you keep that forever.  I love it in your father and am glad to see it blossoming in you as well.

My heart melts when you and Maggie smile at each other.  You are quick to "check on her" and help whenever you can.  I know her arrival was a struggle and we had a couple tough months, but now you are forming an amazing relationship that you can hopefully cherish forever as I do my bond to my siblings.  I am so proud of you for overcoming all the confusion, sadness and angst of a new sibling and instead fully embracing it.

I could go on for pages and I suppose am.  In the end, just know this.  You are our son and we will love you forever no matter what.  It was true three years ago when you made us parents and will be true long after we've left this earth.  We love you, our sweet wonderful boy.

(Photo taken 1/20/2010 on your third birthday)


Debra Dotter Blakley said...

Beautfully said. Happy Birthday everyone.

Jamie said...

Sweet letter that one day with he is a man with a 3 year old, you will all enjoy reading!


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