Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

1.  Maggie went back to the Dr. today.  Still has fluid on her ears so we're trying a different medicine.  Stats include 22lb 11oz, 27.5in.  She did, finally, get her six month shots as well and thus far is handling them well. I do love her doctor and how well he relates to both of them.

2.  We leave for Vegas in about four days, not that I'm counting.... I hear there will be delicious food, swimming pools, and a Cirque show.  I've even made some reservations and done minimal research so progress is being made:)

3.  My Mom and I attended the (2) OU v.  (1) Alabama women's gymnastics meet on Friday. It was so much fun and the OU team was victorious as an added bonus. I encourage you to check out women's college gymnastics it is so different than the Olympics and such a fun time.  Anyone want to go to the last meet of the season on Friday night? I "think" I will go if trip preparations are under control.

4. I was sick last night in the night, but still made it to Zumba today.  Probably the first exercise program ever where I drag myself there even when I'm sick and love it.  Seeing some form changes too which is nice.

5.  B is missing the Olympics.  We're having to explain that situation too him. He's a bit weepier than usual in the last week  or so in general including last night's Olympic woes.  For example, he told me earlier in the week that "I made him sad." (In this case, I wouldn't let him watch a movie after he threw the DVD, reasonable, right? We all know better.)

6.  I went to the pre-baptism class last night at St. John's so we can now start working with them on dates.  I suspect it will be late May or early June.

7. Aren't these playhouses adorable? Too expensive for me, but a great idea. Maybe with a little help from my friends (read: Chrissie) we can make something sort of similar as the kids get older?

8. We had our first spring rainstorm yesterday.  It was short, but I loved it.  I think that growing up in Oklahoma formed my love the energy of thunderstorms as friends that grew up elsewhere seem not to share this.

9. I won the opportunity to get some happy mail from this pretty shop today so looks like there will be some happy new bows in M's collection. Isn't this one cute?

10.  Potty training progress-- B has been potty trained during the day for a many months now (save for an isolated accident now and then.  Last night, he slept through the night in underwear and woke up dry for the first time (largely decided on our recent underwear at night gambles because we forgot to buy an pull-ups, but was a happy accident, pardon the pun.  Also, he can now pee standing and always chooses to do so.  TMI? I'm sure he will think so  later:)

Have a happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Totally not too much information, as we were just wondering when they start standing to pee!


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