Monday, October 4, 2010

Developmental Moments

Today, I felt like my kids were growing up right before my eyes.  It was weird, wonderful and as always a bit sad.

Exhibit 1: B

The neighborhood boys play in our cul de sac everyday.  They are all older than B by at least three years and all at least a head taller.  He has yearned to join them and has, on occasion, with some help from Grandma or me.  Today, he was ready to be brave. I could almost see him psyching himself up.  As we watched them and put on his shoes I asked if he wanted me to walk him over.  For the first time, he said no and bravely went alone.  The socially awkward, insecure person in me cringed as they let him hang around, but didn't really ever pass the ball to him despite him jumping around and asking them to. The weird, wonderful part is that he did not seem bothered by it.  He kept up with them, running, guarding, waving, and talking.  When I called him in ask dusk fell they continued to play.  He came with me promptly and calmly when asked (parenting victory).  As we walked, I asked if he had fun and he said yes.  He seemed up and happy and played chase with me on our way back.  I was relieved.  I don't want him to feel that hurt of not really being included, though I'm pretty sure it will come eventually, and am so proud of him for going alone and braving the big boy games.  You rock lil' man.

Exhibit 2: Lady M
Language is flowing for our baby lady.  She will repeat any sounds and I think has a new word or several every day.  She tries to say everything (Brent attempted microwave with her on their kitchen tour this evening with surprisingly good results). She is positively delighted when we understand her.  Below is a very bare sampling of current words that will undoubtedly be out of date by tomorrow.  I love language and this amazing process of acquiring it.  Watching it with our baby lady is such a joy.

Sample words/almost words: Mama, Dada, Baba (bottle), Bubba (brother), Baby (most frequent word), flip flop (I kid you not), Boo, Grandma, Bye Bye, Hi, Tank you (Thank you), pretty, flower, bankt (something like that for blanket), shoe, shees (cheese), apuh (apple), batte (bathe--- complete with heading to the bathroom and pulling up her shirt), Ta Da (after somersaults or when she does something cool)

I'm sure there are more, but you get the gist. I remain amazed that she will already be 14 months old tomorrow.  A beautiful day in our neighborhood, may yours be full of such promise.

1 comment:

Summer said...

I am right along side you with this. I was just thinking the other day how amazing it is that we start with this completely blank canvas that can do NOTHING and in 14 short months, you have a walking, talking human being. Our God is an awesome God! We are so blessed to be able to watch these little miracles every day!


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