1. Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga
2. Swimming -- I am so glad we've been doing swimming classes this year. We're in our third month and I am seeing improvement each time it is my turn to go with him. Better still he is extremely happy, talkative and full of energy when it is over, which I love. At this age, I think swimming is an excellent activity because he is learning a life skill, exercising and having fun. If he doesn't want to do it forever, that's fine, but in the meantime will know some basics to help keep him safe. Below are a few sample pictures from this week's class.
3. Fruit Snacks - I don't know that we even had fruit snacks really before he was three, but he is a huge fan and M has been won over. I, meanwhile, am less convinced as they are mostly HFC and coloring, but we look for better compromises with more actual fruit.
4. Boots + Dress-up - He so enjoys wearing his boots. He has rainboots and snowboots and prefers to have one or the other on. He wore his old pair of rain boots all the time over the last year and just got new fireman boots that have quickly become his new favorites. (Thanks Grandma!) The picture of the boots below reminds me that tied to the boot idea is his new love of dress-up this year. This is the first year he has really been in to costumes, capes, masks, hats, etc... Our dress-up collection has grown-substantially and often slips over into daily activities like storing things in the attic which he was helping Brent with here.
5. Chase - B loves to play chase whether it is around our living room, around the back yard or at a gym. He and M routinely amuse themselves by chasing one another all around. B and I even raced each other all over the gym at Roman's birthday party this weekend. (Which I'm sure was a sight for the spectators).
6. Legos - He has amassed a pretty impressive collection of legos this year. He enjoys his own Legos, but his real favorite thing is to help Brent assemble his big Star Wars lego ships. We also have a fun new Lego game that we've only played a few times, but is fast becoming the new Lego hit - LEGO Minotaurus Game
7. Pancakes - B, as trained by his dad, pretty much insists on always having cereal for breakfast. On lucky days he gets pancakes and cereal. Grandma makes him pancakes a lot and I make them also, albeit not as often. He particularly has learned to love real maple syrup for dipping.
8. Mario - Hard to believe I almost overlooked Mario as before Lego Star Wars for Wii entered our lives he played Mario Galaxy all the time. (We have both I and II). He also enjoys Mario Kart and even has a Mario and Luigi shirt. As you can see, Brent and Brendan continue to have a lot in common.
9. Snuggling - I don't know that B would admit this most days, but I've secretly convinced myself that he loves snuggling. We have a "snuggle place" in his room which is generally where we read books, hide under the covers, etc. He also admitted that he really likes it when we rests our heads against each other. This is a big improvement as he was not a snuggly boy or toddler, but, on occasion is a bit more snuggly now, which I love.
10. Space + Toy Story - I think B really likes things about space. It is a bit hard to separate out if this is just tied to Star Wars or in general, but he has long had a space-themed bedding and ceiling fan in his room. He also has many books about space. His favorite is probably The Magic School Bus - Space Adventures
On second thought, this may well be tied to Buzz Lightyear. I can't imagine that Toy Story wasn't on the list before so I'm lumping it in here. Buzz is his favorite character most of the time and Toy Story 3 was his first movie in the theater. He is big fan of all the movies, games, toys, etc.
I'm leaving out obvious favorites like M, Brent and I or his other family members as I'm assuming we're mostly constants. I'm fascinated to think what the list might hold a year from now!
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