Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

1.  In good news, I've been able to go to Zumba 3 of the last 5 days.  This makes me a happy, if slightly sore, lady.

2.  I did, finally, cave in and weigh myself for the first time at home since my Dad died.  In exciting news, I've only gained five pounds.  This is a modern day miracle considering my tendencies to mourn via food + holidays + chest injury.  Of course, I still have quite a ways to go (20-25lbs) on my overall weight loss goal, but glad to not to have sabotaged myself too much.

3.  B returned to swimming class today.  He has a new, rather serious teacher and got to try all new tricks including freestyle.  Mind you, he is probably not ready for these new tricks, but did have a great time which is what we're looking for.  As a bonus, he came home full of energy so he and M played chase around the couch while Brent and I happily observed from the sidelines. (Usually we're a participant with one or the other of them).

4. I think, in random news, I've made a bit of a break through in my scrapbooking thought process.  I tend to be a bit of a "rule follower" and when presented with a sketch have stayed rather close to the example in the past.  My current class, may not be quite as complicated/artsy/detailed as my prior ones and I've elected to take a liberal view of the sketches.  I do use them as a jumping off point, but my pages are often wildly different.  Many people have done this for ages, but for me it is relatively new to be able to spin an idea so wildly into something quite different and much more my own.  We shall see how it goes as I continue on.

5.  M has an ear infection, again.  I am not sure if this merits mention as it is a common occurrence, but it is the third piece in the saga of M illnesses for the last week or so.  Here's hoping she is feeling better soon.

6.  I am attempting to eat more healthfully and starting by having a vegetable serving (at least one) at every meal.  I've been doing this for about a week now and have only missed once, I think.  This did change our grocery shopping a bit this week which was a good thing, I think.

7.  I have a call at 8:30am in the morning.  Yes, I should probably be asleep.  Thankfully Brent is taking the morning off to help get the kids to "school" while I take the early call.  He was off today for his furlough day as well.  It is going to be a shock to the system next week when we're all back to normal schedules.

8.  M started Mother's Day out on Monday and despite being a somewhat cranky girl in the morning, I'm told she did wonderfully well.  They are going to be surprised when her more vivacious self shows up when she is feeling better.   It was lovely from my perspective to drop them both off at the same place and greatly reduced my driving time.  I know this will be a brief respite as B will likely need to go to a new school in the fall, but I am going to savor it!

9.  I am in search of a warmer winter coat for Miss M.  Crazily, now that it is actually cold, there are hardly any warm coats left in the stores and most of those look horrendous.  I will persevere, but not feeling too optimistic just now.

10.  We have a couple new plans for the new year --- 1) clean out one closet or area per week as our house is getting an increasingly cluttered feel and 2) my goal is to take one picture of all for of us each week.  I will post these here, probably on the Ten on Tuesday post, if we're successful.

Here's hoping your first week of the new year is a wonderful one!

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