2. For those of you planning baby or bridal showers -- this is a very cute idea and could probably be DIY alternatives too.... hey wait, I'm one of those people.... umm Chrissie, ignore the link.
3. I have kicked up my exercise regime. I'll spare you the specifics, but I am, quite assuredly in pain.
Two bits of hard news for us last week
4. Ms. C is going to work full time so we have to find new childcare. This is sad on many levels as it had been a very lovely 11 months, but I'm particularly dreading and therefore dragging my feet on finding a new set up for M. It has also,somehow, made me freak out about what we are going to do about school for B in the fall... That was Tuesday.
5. On Friday, I discovered we'll have to find all new Doctors for the next ten months due to some weird thing with the state employees and our health insurance. I think I've mentioned how much I LOVE my pediatrician and how much we see him... devastated and so angry..... So have to find new Doctors too and make appointments all around so we have someone to see when we're sick. All with the knowledge that I have every intention of switching back next January unless we find something spectacular-- and given we have almost zero choices, I doubt it.
6. Had a wonderful trip to Dallas. I'll blog more about the party later, but was generally pleased with how the travel went and LOVED the hotel suite we splurged on. Decided it was fair to spend half as many nights, but have it be luxurious. I ended falling asleep early but we all loved a long night sleep and a dip in the hotel pool. The best part for me though was hanging out at Carl and Jamie's on Sunday morning chatting and watching our kids play. Priceless!
7. We had Monday off work, but rebelled and sent the kids to MDO anyway for their snow make up day. We proceeded to do super romantic things like take the recycling in and go grocery shopping. I did get to stop at a local scrapbook store and we had a nice lunch together so there was a balance of errands and fun.
8. My work for Drexel is ramping up as we near the end of the semester and it really is time for me to focus more--- but so wish I was crafting instead. Only a few more weeks.... and so many papers and exams...
9. We're having a food struggle here. I feel like more than half the time no one likes what I make or only one of us is really happy. M, for instance, at about four helpings of stir fry on Monday including four different veggies and B ate almost nothing. Today, neither kid ate much, but Brent and I enjoyed our steak. So hard to find a balance, particularly as I'm pushing the veggies more than ever now.
10. Can you believe the news from North Africa and the Middle East? Sometimes it all seems to surreal, but could be because of the literature I've been reading lately (Matched
Thanks to Audra for reminding me it even was Tuesday or this would not have gotten done and I hope you all have a great week!
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