Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

1.  This is such an awesome video, I had to share and to Thank so much all of our military men and women, but also the families and other workers that support them, including the USO that makes this video reminder. (Video was found via Becky Higgins 12 Videos of Christmas).

2. I also found this article to share with you about the reality v. myth of children's rooms.  I do love imagining my kids' rooms, but mine look much like hers and probably will more so when B & M start sharing a room.  Still think having some pretty is important while acknowledging that we don't live in magazines. (again via Mom-101, as Liz has such good things to say!)

3.  Yes, I"m behind on my December Daily and trying mightily to not be stressed about that as I've promised myself that I've abandoned the idea of "behind" when it comes to crafting, but not quite succeeding.  Tonight, I am having a craft night with two of my besties so I'm sure that will work it all out.

4.  A recipe!  Because I'm full of interesting things today.  Here is a sweet and spicy snack mix recipe from David Lebovitz.  I've made it twice since discovering it yesterday for various holiday gatherings this week.

5.  As you could tell from my Day 9 post - B and I have just returned from my cousin Rachael's wedding.  It was wonderful to see our family and to see one of my very favorite people so happily in love and surrounded by people that care about her and about her marriage.  So wonderful.  Congratulations to Rachael and Dan! (More on this including a picture of the happy couple when I get around to posting Day 10).

6.  After spending some time in the madness that is tracking and defending an 18 month old, I have to question how we'll handle that again.  It is amazing how different a 2.25 year old is from an 18 month old.  Zane is awesome, adorable and fun, but you must constantly be on your guard as who knows what might happen next.  Good news Audra and others in 18 month old land.  It is temporary! I no longer panic when M is out of sight and she is no longer totally destroying things on whim.  Not quite as calm as her older brother, of course, but compared to the wildness of 18 months old (her or Zane or many others I know) she is quite low key.

7.  So exercise--- we usually have a blip about that here, right? Yeah, no exercise this week (gasp of horror!) But, I'm back in OK, somewhat more healthy and promising myself some gym time very soon. Definitely Zumba on Friday and Swimming on Saturday and hoping one day between now and then at least!

8.  M and Brent spent much of the weekend playing with Grammy and Granddaddy. I am told they had a wonderful time and even tried felafel together (Brent loves felafel, but his parents and M were new to the scene).  I hear they also took the jingle bells off our Christmas tree periodically to do their own rendition of jingle bells before pretending to nap in front of the tree with all M's blankets and babies.  Sounds like a lot of fun to me!

9.  I have this rule that if I'm getting Christmas presents for adult friends it needs to be something they will actually love, not just a check the box here is something type gift (yes, most of my friends end up not getting gifts, but we're cool with that). That said, if you have any cool ideas for my 30 something friends I'd love to hear them!

10.  Funny moment from yesterday,  the kids are busily crafting away with their stamps and moving on to making Christmas tree ornaments with the kits from Chrissie when I get super excited and have them look outside at what I "think" is a dusting of snow.  We investigate and B informs me it is "just dry grass, Mom"  yeah... I'm excitable that way.  No clue when we might see a snowflake, but they did enjoy some playtime outside in the dead grass in the meantime.

Happy Tuesday to all!

1 comment:

Audra said...

Zane is a crazy man I'm sure your third child will be calm, cool, and collected. Like all third children are :)
Thanks for all your help keeping Zane alive this weekend we loved your visit, as always.


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