Monday, December 12, 2011

Day 9: My Boy

Friday, brought a very early start to our mother/son weekend adventure and prompted me to do my annual December Daily posting for B.

Dear B,
  You were so full of enthusiasm even as we started our trip at 4am.  I loved watching you experience air travel all over again, most especially our time on the plane.  You never asked for a toy or distraction.  Instead, you were all about the experience.  You had many questions that I attempted to answer as you pondered flight and boxed at the sunlight just peaking through the windows as we neared Saint Louis.  I am amazed and thrilled at how self-sufficient you are.  For the entire trip you were in charge of your bag and your stuff and a great help.  After arriving, we went to Target with Aunt Audra and my heart skipped as you ran jumping into my arms for a kiss.  You are not so prone to ebullient joy or random affection so the occasional moments like this are all the more precious.

  By afternoon, we were so tired from our already long day, and I knew you really wanted to just play with Zane and Aunt Audra, but that we'd all be better for some rest.  For the first time in probably years we lay down together to take a "rest" that stretched into hours of napping together on the couch.  I admit I watched you often as I wove in and out of sleep as in your sleep you seem much more my four year old than the older child you sometimes seem when you're awake.

  Throughout the trip there were moments like these that are the treasures I was hoping our weekend would bring.  Quiet "I Love Yous" as we fell asleep chatting in the hotel.  Fighting bubbles after the wedding.  Sitting with amazing patience through the reception.  Complete comfort as you paddled through the hotel pool so thrilled to be in the water again.  It was wonderful to watch you with Zane, to hear you talk video games with Zach, to nap again the last afternoon in preparation for a late night.

In fairness, there were some less ideal moments too like when you wouldn't talk to people, or pouted about the end of game times, but overall, it was a joy to be with you, to get to focus on you, to be together. You are growing up quickly my son. With another sibling coming into our house, I know our special dates will be fewer than we'd wish, but know that I cherish every minute.  I love you just how are with those quiet echoes of your father and the sweet, kindness.

Thank you for all the joy today and the richness you've been bringing to my life for five years now, my sweet B


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