Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Ten On Tuesday (DC Edition)

1.  Way back in August I mentioned the need to buy a new mattress.  We finally did that on Sunday.  Sort of a weird process, but glad to have winnowed through our list of planned purchases/home improvements.  The only remaining large purchase is a new car as we just won't fit in mine once the baby comes.  Able is trying to push that process along, but so far, we're stalling.

2.  We have had crazy weekends since roughly mid-November so we took this weekend to just chill together.  We caught up on some chores, and bought a few supplies for the week.  I bought some necessities for my trip. Overall though, we ate simply, played lots of video games, scrapbooked a lot and M spent a lot of time giving us a fashion show as she attempted to perfect her new skill of dressing herself. It was a very good thing.   A fun new feature was using 1/2 of our dining room table for LEGO block building and the other for scrapping so we were all together and M could go back and forth.

3.  During the trip to buy the mattress, Uncle Able babysat for a couple hours.  He took the kids to the park, Braums, and earned (already) the Uncle of the year award for service beyond the call of duty in ways I'm going to spare you here.  So very glad to have my brother living near by and the awesome relationship he has with our kids!

4. Lady M loves her gymnastics.  She is currently wearing her bathing suit around the house some portion of every day doing "tunastics" (no idea why she says it that way).  She practices her forward rolls on the carpet, does lots of hoping, and tries to climb up on things.  Thank goodness she got to go back to class with Daddy today.  I am certain she loved it.  (Ps. I got her an awesome I <3 OU Gymnastics shirt at last week's meet. SO cute!)

5.  Speaking of which, I went to my second OU Gymnastics meet of the season last Friday with Emily and Jessie.  It was great fun with four teams competing simultaneous.  OU placed second in a shocking conclusion after leading the entire meet.  They did go on to beat No. 2 Arkansas at a meet elsewhere on Sunday so there was some redemption.  We wrapped up the evening with gelato and more girl talk-- very fun indeed.

6.  B got to play lots of video games during our rest weekend.  We returned a duplicate game gift in exchange for some Wii points that are being used to introduce B to some more classic video games.  I'm not sure he's quite sold on them yet, but he is being a good sport about it.  We also did a lot more Lego block creating with a new kit and enjoyed it all.

7. I feel so incredibly luck to have the job set up that I do.  The transition from on place to another is always a bit tricky for me, but I am so happy in both.  I am a very lucky girl to have found just the right job for me.

8.  My health is much improved.  Although after talking all afternoon and getting a bit off my medicine routine I sound rather hoarse this evening.  I think I'll make it an early night to catch up on some of the rest I missed. 

9.  Speaking of missing, you know what I miss (other than my husband and kids, obviously)? I miss exercise.  For years now, I've exercised at least three times a week, usually with fairly high impact exercises.  Between me feet, chest, and crazy cold I've only exercised probably three times in the last three weeks.  It is driving me crazy.  Also, I'm starting to get nervous that I might get used to this sedentary lifestyle, which inevitably leads to feeling depressed and being fat (at least for me).  So, here's hoping that by the time I return to Oklahoma my ailments are better and I can start gradually working my way up to the exercise I've loved so much.

10.  I am such a creature of habit. I am in an awesome food city and yet I always seem to eat at the same places when I'm here. I grab lunch/breakfast from Whole Foods or Devon & Blakley and then Dinner rotates among various places near campus or, if I'm lucky, out somewhere in Virginia with my friends.  Granted, I do need to be near campus during the lunch/breakfast time, but really could try a few more places.  That said, I've been around the GW campus for nearly 11 years now and have tried most of it, including all the new restaurants at square 54.  Anyone have recommendations for places I should go for the remainder of my stay? For now, I'm off to have Thai at my stand-by Thai Place....

Hope you all are well and I'll be back with tales from my journey next week.

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