Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Ten on Tuesday

I should really write a few of these items per day as suddenly when I sit down to write sometimes I just draw a blank.... with that opening caveat, here we go.

1.  Exercise - You can tell I've been exercising if there is an actual item for it.  The good news this week is three days this week of Zumba at Co-Motion.  It is fun and going well if feeling slightly different this far along in my pregnancy.

2.  Sunday afternoon fun - I keep meaning to take the kids to the Myriad Gardens and tried again this Sunday. However, it was just too beautiful outside to go in so we brought a picnic with us, played on the nearby playground and enjoyed about half of the Sugar Free All-Stars concert on the lawn.  Such a beautiful day!

3.  More science fun - Friday afternoon we took another trip to the OK Science Museum.  Nearly two years into our membership, and we always find lots of interesting things to do.  We usually split our time between the small kids area and the rest of the museum.  The new construction area continues to be very popular.

4.  Brent had to work for a portion of both days this weekend.  Not so fun.  The first day, my Mom happened to stop by for a portion of it, which was a great distraction.  We love random visitors so feel free to drop by.  Meanwhile, I am delighted to have Brent with us all weekend this week to enjoy the birthday celebrations with my sister and Zane.

5.  Recipe review -  This week we had two big recipe successes.  The first, more complex of the two, was slow cooker Chicken Tikka Masala.  There is a fair amount of process involved, but it was a smash hit with everyone (yes, even B).  This is a very rare occurrence and therefore highly recommended.  The second recipe was homemade Corn Dog Mini Muffins.  It was quick, easy to involve the kids in and a big hit with the littles. I liked that it was a bit healthier spin on a favorite from the freezer section and target.  Try it!

6.  In sort of random news, Brent and I have started watching Downtown Abbey.  Considering that we otherwise only watch the Daily Show and Colbert report this is actually minor news.  So far, we're liking it!

8. As mentioned above, my sister and Zane are coming to visit this weekend to help celebrate my birthday.  I'm very excited and have made very little progress on plans.  Mostly I'm sure we'll just hang out and watch our kids be adorable-- oh and I suppose eating cake or something sweet.

9.  Pregnancy:  Tomorrow is my monthly Doctor appointment and the ever so fun glucose test (kidding about the fun part - it usually makes me feel fairly sick).  I'm hoping it goes well.  Otherwise, I'm growing lots and seem to have lost some control over my snacking habit, which is no good.  Generally, we're not making much progress on preparing for his arrival beyond thinking about it, talking about it, with the kids and occasionally looking at things on pinterest.  We do still have a solid 15 weeks or so, which somehow seems both a long and a short time.

10.  In kid related news:  B now has two additional loose teeth and we're really enjoying playing Skip Bo and Uno together.  M continues to love gymnastics, dancing around, drawing, books, and having a great time taking care of her doll Ariel.

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