Monday, February 27, 2012

Movie Monday + Motherhood

In the last year, I've tried very diligently to work when I'm working and be with my kids when it is time with my kids.  Of course, this doesn't always succeed, but it is a much improved system.  That said, sometimes it just doesn't work and I have to take a call when they are here. Today was a day like that.

Out of some sadness/mommy guilt about it I was determined to make their TV time more special.  So, I took ten minutes and:

  • cleared the coffee table
  • brought special blankets, pillow pets and my big blanket to the couch building a nest of loved things
  • Set out necklaces and some dress up bits in case we wanted to be "fancy"
  • Assembled a muffin tin full of snacks mixing healthy, sweets, proteins, and treats.
  • Made lemonade
I picked up the kids and told them we were having a special movie day.  They came home and discovered the set up and LOVED it.  M helped me make popcorn, B found the movie (Toy Story 2), and we all assembled our cups and lovies. 

During this prep, B asked me why I made or set up all this for them.  I told him that I did it because they are so special and loved to me, so I wanted to do something a little special for them.  

He ran off.  When he came back, he had a blue hand towel all wrapped up.  He gave it to me to open and there was a small, slightly deflated orange basketball.  I asked him the occasion and--- he said he wanted to give it to me to play with, to be special because I am special.  I gave him a hugged and thanked his sweet innocence and kindness. (Almost cried).

We snuggled in to our movie -- they picked their treats (Amazingly the first choices from the tray were healthy ones!)

I ducked out after a bit longer to take what I thought was an hour call that ended in only 15 minutes....

So, a lot of mommy guilt and prep in advance of not a big deal work wise, but I am so very glad I took those ten or so minutes to make it a little bit special for them and feel so honored with my gifts in return.  

1 comment:

Debra Dotter Blakley said...

Oh, what a sweet, sweet thing all the way around. I love it that B went and found you something special and even wrapped it up for you. Sweet little boy love indeed. Good times. Happy Birthday a few days early.


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