We had a strangely full St. Patrick's Day. So much so, that I want to do a brief day in our lives type post here. I assure you that our weekends are not all like this and feel certain they are going to be different for awhile when baby boy arrives, but for this year, St. Patrick's Day went like this:
8am: We wake up to M crying. She gets her medicine and snuggles in bed with Mom and Dad for a bit.
8:15-9am: We get everyone up and dressed in their green and decide to go out in search of green sprinkle doughnuts for breakfast (and yes, maybe being out of coffee had something to do with it). Before we left, the kids found that the "little people" had left them some St. Patrick's day treasure. They found the book Too Many Leprechauns: Or How That Pot o' Gold Got to the End of the Rainbow
along with a trail of gold chocolate coins. B gave each of us a large coin and gave me an extra small coin to share with is baby brother:) The one remaining coin was put in the "candy file"as he dubbed it for a future treat.
Of course we had to read the book before leaving and also had to gather all of our soccer things and stroller for the zoo trip later in the day.
9:10-9:30: (Not pictured) - Doughnuts at the local "Tasty Sun"doughnut shop. The kids had rings on their sprinkle doughnuts which they treasured all day.
9:40-10:50: Dragonfly soccer -- When we left our house it was already over 70 and seemed lovely. It was much, MUCH windier and cooler at the soccer field. We had to add a layer of shirts for M and have Uncle Able bring his jacket over, but persevered. We had let B pack his soccer bag, and apparently he didn't bring his soccer socks, so he had to wear regular short ones and got off to a slow start overall.
He perked up after some fun with Grayson (below) and noticing that Uncle Able, Grammy, & Granddaddy were there cheering him on.
The Dragonflies were not victorious, but had a fun game. One of the parents brought these awesome green Dragonfly cookies and green gatorade for after the game snacks. So very very cool!
(Note, B says his eyes look funny here because of the sun +wind combination, but wanted to show you his cookie).
11-12:25: Lunch at Homerun Sliders with Grammy, Granddaddy, & Uncle Able. This was Grammy and my birthday lunch. B brought her very special birthday drawing to the game and they brought me this awesome Polar running watch with heart rate monitor. I was so surprised and can't wait to try it! We were the very first customers of the day and lunch was very slow coming, but we had a great time chatting and trying all the many ketchup choices.
12:22-3:45 - Zoo adventure - Our friend Jennie has a tradition of an annual Zoo trip for her birthday. Apparently a large portion of OKC decided to join her as we had to park way out in the overflow parking. Happily, we had our stroller and a strong Daddy along to help carry kids.
We went to the giraffe feeding and maybe I had a bit too much fun with my zoom lens as we now have quite the collection of up close shots of the giraffe and his super long black tongue.
Here is the birthday girl and her sweet boy. We were actually with several more friends, but got separated in a search for a bathroom from M and didn't reconnect in the mass of people.
I am sure this would be fun on a real giraffe too, right?
Corwyn's Daddy was home sick so Brent took him for a bit of a ride as the afternoon wore on. In reality, a lot of our wandering was spent loading and unloading kids from the stroller or Brent's shoulder or making sure everyone had a drink/snack. Still fun, but part of our reality now.
The parents and kids were pretty worn out by the end of Oklahoma trails so we said farewell to the alligators and began our slow trek back to the car. Of course we had to see the Rhinos on the way out as how can you go to the OKC Zoo and miss them?
3:50pm We were all thoroughly exhausted by this point, but it was past any hope of kid napping. So, we belted them in, listed to several rounds of wheels on the bus from Lady M in the car before they both fell asleep.
4:30-5:45 - We got everyone home, all of the stuff hauled back in,read the Leprechaun book again, and given M some Tylenol. I had to give in and nap at this point. Brent, ostensibly, was watching the kids, but they tell me he napped too while they watched Sesame Street. By the time we were all awake and rested it was time for dinner.
5:45-7:20 - Dinner was another project in my use up the freezer stash plan. So, we had bacon, hashbrown casserole and eggs (Sandwiches, or scrambled or with toast). This took awhile to cook so we did other things like fold laundry and work on our LEGO pirate ship building. Dinner was great fun as each of us told about our favorite things at the zoo and the kids were actually eating.... perhaps because it was 7 o'clock and they were quite hungry? B, happily, informs us that now that he is 5 he like bacon, which is a good development as we were wondering if he was related to us previously.
7:20-8:05 - Bedtime rituals as usual plus M's meds for her double ear infection and they fairly easily settled into sleep
Brent and I watched another episode of Downtown Abbey on Netflix and went back to the office for our ritual evening computer time. We, strangely, didn't make it to bed much earlier than usual, but slept quite well.
The day was a pretty far cry from six years ago when my St. Patrick's Day celebrations included touring the Guinness factory and watching the St. Patrick's Day parade in Dublin, but both were enjoyable and I'm glad to have experienced them all. A belated Happy St. Patrick's Day to you all!
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