Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Ten on Tuesday

This week's Ten on Tuesday is brought to you by me actually uploading pictures from our month thus far!

1. I adore these guys.  I love that they love each other and my husband smile rocks!

2.  My kids get to go to the OKC Zoo pretty much as often as they want, but when I was a kid, this was our zoo--- Mr. Riesen's farm.  If you look closely up in the trees there you can find about five roosting peacocks.  They were always my favorite part of the mini-zoo troops down the road to this farm. Other animals include: donkeys, sheep, turkeys (many and varied breeds), guineas, pheasants, cattle, dogs, ducks, other assorted birds and I seem to remember rabbits when I was small, but we didn't see any this trip.  I am so delighted we got to relive this with our kids who seemed fairly interested in the many kinds of birds as well. 

3.  Sibling time:  As I went through all the pictures I was struck repeatedly by how awesome B and M's relationship is.  Here, B is pushing her in the swing at Grandma's. She could do this for hours. He was very patient with her. The next photos a few moments later (not pictured here) show her carefully observing the ladybug that was crawling on his arm. He was so excited and she patiently joined in the fun and helped him search for more.  They are very different, but I am so loving watching them grow together and be kind and close to each other. Not that there aren't screaming times too... but just now, its being pretty awesome. This does help encourage me about adding another and that they and we will be richer for it and are nearing ready for him.

4.  Cousin time is awesome:  M is a good distance between Lil' Zaney Boy and B, so she makes a great playmate for each.  Riding in the wheelbarrow or a wagon is always great fun. I think all three are interested in doing it as often as they can find an adult to push or pull them around. I so hope we get to spend time with our Jones cousins soon too!

5.  Can you get the whole vista here? It is a zoomed out view to capture the scene. At left, B is holding Zane's hand so he can walk carefully through the wheat field to Brent, M and the kite flying. This is sweetness on many levels.  First, B's gentle care of his cousin and their holding hands. I immediately love the moment and picture him doing the same with his little brother in a few years.  Next, is the romance of the family moment. This land has been part of my family's story through now five generations. True, these little ones won't likely be farmers, but they are still loving and enjoying the land.  Also, isn't the contrast of green wheat and sky amazing?

6.  Enthusiasm -- She's got it. I have a whole series of her just being excited in the spring wheat. After looking through about 100 of these I have to recommend spring wheat pastures to local photographers.  Great light, color, and opportunities here. (OK, and having very cute subjects helps). 

7. Once our family weekend was over, we moved on to soccer season.  The first practice of the season was bad again, but by the morning of the game everyone was better.  Here, Brent is carrying our nearly forty pound daughter (and big bird) while trying to play goalie against maybe six four and five year olds on a cold dreary morning. He rocks, in case I haven't mentioned that...

8. Uncle Able joined us for the first game of the season on almost zero notice.  M so very badly wants to play, but is not quite old enough yet.  Uncle Able happily kicked the ball around on the sidelines which both keeps her happy and off the field.  Everyone wins!

9. B did great in his first game back this season.  He started right where last season left off. He ran, kicked, fell, got up, hustled, threw in the ball and is doing some sort of kick to his teammates here. (No, I still don't really get soccer rules). Despite Brent (jokingly) admonishing them not to have fun B and his teammates all said they had a great time and they even won!  So awesome to watch him enjoy it.

10.  Team - We were so lucky to be randomly assigned to an awesome soccer team last fall. They have a great sense of community and are very supportive of each other and all the kids. This was awesome when B was struggling last season, but even better now that we can all celebrate together.  One of the fun traditions is the parents forming this tunnel at the end of the game for all the kids to run through at the end of the game. Able took pictures of it from a variety of angles this time. It is so cool to both see it from B's perspective and to have captured Brent and my participation.  Thanks able and thanks to the Dragonflies for being a great team and new friends to our family.

That's what we're up to lately.  Hope you're having a lovely week and enjoying this beautiful weather. (Yes, it is much warmer now than in the soccer pictures---roughly 80 degrees today so Summer is sounding terrifyingly hot).

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1 comment:

Debra Dotter Blakley said...

I don't know how I managed to miss this post last week. I love the story and the pictures. Able is a great addition to any outing with kids isn't he; he pays attention and is always there to pick up the slack if he needs to. I'm so glad you two live close enough to interact on a regular basis. I just wish Audie and Zach lived closer too.


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