Sunday, April 8, 2012

Scrappy (Easter) Sunday

So, I "might" have ordered a bit more than usual from Studio Calico this month thanks to a birthday gift card from my sister.  While I was waiting for my presents to arrive, I went happily to work trying to use up some of my existing goodies before the new treats arrived. This happened just after our spring family pictures so I decided it was time to scrapbook some of the pictures from the fall shoot -- (Note: all pages referring to the Fall 2011 photo shoot feature images taken by Heather Warren).  Final bit of inspiration came from the 'Blow Out Your Stash" Challenges at Studio Calico. Whatever the reason, I am so happy to have made some pretty pages and recorded more of our family's stories.  Enjoy!

Family Picture Fall 2011 - using the County Fair kit;  the design is also based off a page by Shimelle in her Hitchhiker's Guide to Scrapbooking class. 

More snuggly family time - Fall 2011 Photo shoot - based off of the 11/6/11 Studio Calico Sketch Sunday.
M & us - with tales of her personality and likes @2 from the Fall 2011 photo shoot - using the Candy Shoppe Kit
Me & my love - a rare feature for our albums from the Fall 2011 photo shoot
B's smile and more favorites - Fall 2011 photo shoot
M was refusing to go to sleep Thursday night and inspired the page about our sleeping struggles complete with lyrics from our most "magic" lullaby 
 I hope you all are having a fabulous weekend.  We are happily celebrating Easter with our families and enjoying our brand new Minivan!
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1 comment:

Emily D. said...

Wow... beautiful layouts!! Love them all!! I love my Studio Calico kits!! Very addicting!


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