Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter 2012

(Yes, believe it or not, an actual blog post about a recent holiday.  This almost never happens, so enjoy!)

I tried to pare down the photos, but just couldn't get it down to less than 10, so I invite you to enjoy some of my favorites from this weekend.   Below is a bit more detail on what went on for my memory and those who missed it.

We had a jam packed weekend.  The primary activities included:


  • Buying our new minivan - 2012 Honda Odyssey EXL - Black Crystal with Truffle interior  - all sorts of fun gadgetry that we're so enjoying along with the extra space.
  • M going on an adventure with Uncle Able (live tweeted with adorable pictures while we worked out the minivan purchase)
  • Packing for the rest of the weekend including food, clothes, and gear for double Easter celebrations
  • Easter Lunch at Grammie & Granddaddy's with the Richards/Rouse clan. 
  • I led some of the younger kids in an onsite dessert assembly that was delicious and lots of fun.  Basically we made an awesome sandwich with layers of baked meringue, whipped cream, sliced strawberries and melted chocolate.  They were great helpers!
  • Richards/Rouse Easter Egg Hunt - B initially balked, but in the end everyone had a great time.
  • M was pretty tired by this point and absolutely demanded a bath with Grammie, asap, and would not be put off even with many other things going on.
  • After the festivities wound up we headed to the farm --- the bonus of having a new car the kids were so excited to jump back in.
  • Playing at the farm before putting on our Easter finery and heading to Mass
  • The creation story @ St. Joseph's in Bison, followed by a very lengthy mass, which was then (obviously???) followed by an Easter Egg hunt at 10:30 at night. B was way past hunting eggs.  M was in the 3 and under hunt with maybe 5 other kids and got many, many eggs.  I got to chat just a bit with friends, but wish I saw them more.
  • Back to Grandma's at 11pm!!!! Straight to bed for most all of us.
  • Everyone slept in until 8 or so and put on their daytime clothes before checking to see if the Easter Bunny found us --- He did!  Lots of chocolate along with a Skylander for B and Mini Mouse for M.
  • Lots of fun with baskets and our traditional pigs in a blanket and fruit Easter breakfast.
  • MANY eggs to hunt -- the Easter bunny at the farm hides so many eggs from the start that they can hunt as long as they are interested and have many more to hunt later in the day as well.  It is big kid fun.
  • M had to have a nap while we made lunch as she was still recovering from Saturday.  
  • My Mom took her sister, Gale and Great-Grandpa on a garden tour while the Able & Brent sealed/painted the new garage floor.  B played Angry Birds while listening to hear if M was crying.
  • Fun lunch, followed by dessert of mostly Easter candy
  • Martha & Christy visited while more garage work was done and more cake baking with Grandma.
  • The kids played in the car for a long time while I chatted with my much-missed lil' sis. 
  • Mid-afternoon snack of warm chocolate cake was followed by a simple sandwich super from Gale (and lots more fun and candy).
  • Uncle Able led the crew in some more farm chores while I gathered our things and the other guests headed home.
  • The weather was gorgeous.  Just cool enough for a couple fires in the fire pit, but not too cold to have fun outdoors.
  • The drive home was lovely. I tilted my chair way back to give the baby some room and watched the sky through the sun roof feeling just a little spoiled. (B slept, M talked non-stop, and Brent drove--- so some things don't really change). 

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