Monday, May 14, 2012

My Mother's Day - 2012

I feel particularly motherly on Mother's Day when I'm pregnant.  Technically, I've been pregnant on Mother's Day three times, but didn't realize it yet when pregnant with B.  Now, in what I assume is my last pregnancy, I tried to savor, embrace, own the day, and it was a great one.  

It did not start off that well with a rough night due to my costochondritis.  I woke up probably every 1-2 hours all night so I was definitely not rested when the kids started stirring.  We snuggled with M while B played Wii for awhile before heading off on grand adventures planned and not.
M and Purple Baby, who went everywhere with us today. 
Once we were all up, we had a quick breakfast managed to get everyone dressed and out the door for 9am Mass.  We are not remotely consistent about making it to Mass, but B has been requesting we go and Mother's Day is a special time for church too.  It was great.  After Mass, we had coffee and cake at the new Cafe Evoke in Edmond.  It was OK, but perhaps a bit too modern for our set.   The kids did love the chocolate cake and getting their own grown up cups (cider and milk, of course).

Then we came home to the first of my presents for the day.  This sweet bracelet Brent found from Lisa Leonard with three hearts for our three littles. We took some time to rest, dance, play wii, and make lunch before heading out doors for our picnic and some gardening. 

Shortly, we realized we needed more mulch and probably some more flowers to fill in bare spots in our garden.  It "might" be the most predictable Mother's Day activity ever, but yes, we went to TLC and bought me flowers.  

The kids each got to pick out a flower for our garden and one for Grammie too.  I bought a hydrangea bush against all good sense as I know my Dad told me many times it wasn't going to work out and, at minimum, wouldn't stay blue/purple/pink without some work.  I have wanted one forever though so we got one and some grasses for the too wet place at the other end of the flower bed. We "might" have even stopped at Sonic for happy hour drinks on the way home!

At home, we had lots of planting and mulching fun.  Brent did nearly all the work and I exercised my "pointing" skills playing the pregnancy card one last mother's day.  The kids helped, giggled, and blessed each plant with "grow baby, grow" as Grandma has taught them. 

Then, we went back inside for M's nap and electronic time for everyone else before going to dinner with Grammie and Granddaddy at Lottinville's.  (Between the nap and dinner there was a catastrophically messy nap related potty training disaster, but that seems pretty typical too, right?) We also chatted with Grandma who is having a big day in Chicago with her friends.
 It seemed like there should be a picture of me on this last preggo Mother's Day.  B did the honors for me.  We began to wrap up our day as I chatted with my brother and took in an impromptu dance performance by my children--- too cute, as they would tell you themselves. 

We would up the day with baths, books, music and night night before Brent and I took some time to ourselves.  

Not to worry, baby #3 made himself known throughout the day with periodic braxton hicks contractions and lots of wiggling.  I definitely got the sense of when I'd reached the limit gardening and had to sit.  We also wondered several times exactly how we'd juggle more kids than we have hands, but that remains the mystery ahead of us.  Today, I celebrated all my children, my husband, growth, my own parents, and new life.... we even pondered grandparenthood ourselves---- hopefully 20 years or so from now.  

I hope your Mother's Day was wonderful and want to thank all the wonderful women and mothers in our lives for being so amazing.  We love you all!

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