Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Ten on Tuesday

1.  I just finished reading my sister's Ten on Tuesday post as I was heading to bed, which made me realize that it is Tuesday and I really "should" try to get mine done too.  I'd hate to break my streak!

2.  Usually, I'd do a pregnancy update here, but after today's super long post, there isn't much to say.  We did, sadly, have to call off the family walk this evening about 10 minutes in due to lightening, but did yoga together instead (no, not Brent, but the rest of us). Yoga is not as relaxing when people are touching you and using you as a jungle gym (and by people I mean my children, clearly). Oh, and not as much "excitement" this evening thus far, even with massive thunderstorms.

3.  About the storms -  After the children went to sleep, we went outside to check on the weather and discovered dark clouds rotating not too far from us.  One seemed to have a bit of a lowering and the wind was going crazy as the rain settled in.  Not a good combination in Oklahoma during the spring.  Better still, two large storms were colliding over the metro making it even more unpredictable. The tornado sirens were firing.   Next up, huge hail (golf ball size or larger).  We gathered up the kids and did another tornado shelter drill... hoping it was a drill... We sang and played angry birds while we waited for at least the hail to pass and maybe an all clear from the weather wizards.  They were a little ambiguous on the all clear as the storm had settled over our area, but we made it back up and put the kids to bed.  They handled it all quite well, happily.  We'll see what if any hail damage there is tomorrow as storms continue to blow outside.

4.  In good news, after planning in my head during the day, I made a supper cute layout about B as a toddler this evening... which I guess you'll have to wait to see later, but it was nice for it to work easily today as when I was working on some pages yesterday nothing seemed to come together as I wanted.  It was a two page spread, which is probably part of the problem, but I suspect the contractions and related crazy didn't help.

5.  B is, I think, getting a bit nervous about baby brother's arrival.  He is moody, cries a lot, and is strangely clingy with me, which is fairly unusual these days.  He is also randomly carrying around this small black stuffed dog and sometimes talking like a baby.  A weird little bit of regression.  We did try to talk about it a bit today and what it might be like.  He is having trouble telling us what is worrying him, but we're trying to be reassuring.  M, in all her blissful naivete is nothing but excited.  She looked through every item of baby brother's clothes in the dresser this evening and loved each one.

6.  So, I realized I have a maximum of 8 days of work left.  I tried to work through some of the lingering things that were bothering me in the night when I feared I might already have worked my last day.  I am trying diligently to make a smooth path for my colleagues to follow and help as much as I can in advance.  We shall see if it works.  Meanwhile, my blackberry has apparently died which is a fairly big problem and hard for them to fix/assess at a distance so we shall see how that plays out.

7.  Have you seen the kids' show "Little Einsteins"?  This is not the baby Einsteins craze of years ago, but rather about a group of small kids working through problems set around classical music pieces, paintings, sculpture, and other art forms.  It is fun and smart.  The kids love it.  Thanks for introducing us Grandma B!

8.  I "hear" my Mom (aka Grandma B) is back stateside, and hopefully will see her in the morning. I hope she made it safely through the storms and that she can get some rest.  It would be awesome if this baby manages to come while she is in OK as she leaves again in just a few weeks for Denver for some training related to the new store she and Able are collaborating on.

9.  Uncle Able continues his Mannie (think maile nanny) duties this week.  I think the kids are having tons of fun with him and I'm glad they are having the bonding experience and I'm not having to worry about patching together childcare for these last few days of work.  Today, they went to the zoo, rode the zoo train, visited the elephants, took a whirl on the merry go round, had a picnic there, played in the park and it seemed like an awesome day from what I hear.

10. We had a blissfully cool morning this morning so did our own take on the Blakley tradition of "porch time."  The kids and I sat outside with our chocolate milk chatting.  We occasionally worked in our garden, watered plants, ran around the yard and played with toys, but mostly we just chilled enjoying the morning.  Very nice.  I think we'll try to do it more often even though our "view" is much more limited than the vista from the farm porch.

Ok, I have to sleep, but those are my random musing from today.  Have wonderful week and stay safe, especially my Okie friends, as more storms are coming!

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