Tuesday, June 19, 2012

One Week!

A brief look at the week in pictures and words.
Mama & E - June 12, 2012
Daddy & E - June 13, 2012
June 14, 2012
June 15, 2012
June 16, 2012
Uncle Able & E - June 17, 2012
June 18, 2012
Daddy, Mama & E - June 19, 2012 - One week old
(Thank you to Tracie for this photo tonight - I adore it!)

E had his one week appointment today and all seems well.  He remains so surprisingly small.  His one week stats are:

Height: 20.25 inches - 53%
Weight 7 lbs 11 oz - 32%
Head circumference - 35 cm - 23 %

It all seems crazy tiny to us as our other kids have always been very big, 90%+ big.  We are having our first experiences with newborn size clothes and diapers.  Weird to have so many new things still the third time around.

We've had a good week.  He sleeps most of the time and is rarely a "fusspot."  We are just starting to see him wake up a bit more during the day.  At night, he sleeps very well if someone will hold him. I know we should be putting him down, but right now I need the snuggles so I rarely do, but for a long stretch last night he did quite well on his own.  His siblings love him.  M loves him perhaps a touch more aggressively than necessary.  They both love hearing about when they were his age too and helping with blankets, clothes, pacis, etc...

We've had a few little outings to the Doctor, splash pad, and Humble Pie.  He has slept through most of them.  He had his first trip to Target today with Brent and I and everyone commented on how tiny and adorable he was riding in his Moby wrap.

He is enjoying being swaddled, particularly if Daddy does it as Daddy is an awesome swaddler.  We are breast feeding a lot more this time.  Still not completely exclusively, but with more success than usual.  

So far he's met - Mama, Daddy, brother, sister, Granddaddy, Grammy, Tracie, Grandma B, Uncle Able, Peter, Bethany, Ashtyn, & Sarah along with the random strangers in or days, Doctors, etc...

We have a couple more days with the bigs in camp and Brent working half days so next week will be the real test of my attempts at home with all three of them...yes, I am nervous.

So far, his completely wonderful, warm, snuggly, sweet, and we're completely smitten.
E's traditional one wee, cupcake - this time peanut butter with peanut  butter cream cheese frosting - we've done this at one week with each kid even though it doesn't make much sense.  Today it celebrates his one week birthday and Sarah and Zane's birthday's too!

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