Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Ten on Tuesday

1.  Happy Birthday to Zane and Sarah - two of my favorite birthday buddies.  I hope you both had a wonderful day.  We were lucky enough to spend a lot of Sarah's special day with her and it was awesome!

2. Random story from M this week--- I was being sad, as I often am in this hormone crazy time.  She came to cheer me up and informed me she was taking Daddy and I to a fancy new coffee shop Downtown.  We would go in her purple car and put on our lipstick because we are fancy.  The coffee shop would have princess candles and princess cookies and hot chocolate for her and brother.  It sounded so sweet awesome and special.  I'm ready to go anytime!

3.  Thunder fever is out of control in Oklahoma.  Today, my kids watched the game with Sarah, Tracie and Able well past their bed times and were cheering like crazy for every basket and someone convinced to do things like put their PJs on promptly with the incentive of getting to see some of the game.

4.  This week, the kids are at Science Camp at MDO.  So far, it has been awesome.  They are doing at least two fun experiments per day and come home to tell us all about them.  M, for example, played with her slime after school for nearly an hour and B played with his experiment in a bottle off an on too with all sorts of ideas for how to use it.  Also, it gives us all a bit of down time at home with just E & I here and Brent working.  It was strangely quiet that first morning, but probably a good rest/recovery time.

5. In our maiden voyage to Target with E, the most common comment was about how tiny and new he was, but as expected one person finally told us how surprised they were that we were out with him already.  My only real answer being that this is our third child.  By now, we're both sort of used to it and also it is more necessary with other kids in need of tending.  I do think generally people have been so sweet and excited to see him.

6.  In case anyone was wondering, E does have the "Dotter Dimple" in his chin.  It is probably the one genetic guarantee I have in this mix.  As far as I know, every single person in my mother's family and all their kids, grandkids, etc... have this dimple.  Brent finds this fantastically interesting from a genetics standpoint as well as fairly unlikely.  Nonetheless, I love it, particularly as many of my traits -- like blue eyes-- seem to not be making it on down the line.

7.  IRSP is actually going pretty well.  Brent has come home between working half days and going in for a bit in the evenings.  M, of course, had some sort of messy accident within 10 minutes of his departure yesterday, but we pulled it together and were quietly reading books by the time he got home.  Today, Tracie and Sarah were here to help and it was great fun.  Both kids put on quite the show for them. Only two days left of IRSP for the year so I'm feeling optimistic!

8.  Brent had some interesting observations about our time in the hospital.  No one really ever spoke to him or introduced themselves or addressed him at all.  I was, of course, one of the patients, but I think it was just weird that he was so not included in the discussion although clearly there and the father.  I hadn't really thought about it, but it is quite true.  All the questions, etc... were all directed to me.  Odd, if somewhat understandable, I guess?

9. We came home from the hospital to fruit files.  I abhor them!  We have a variety of traps and treatments around and will add more as we find them, but they are driving me nuts.  Definitely not how I'd like to welcome a newborn to my house!

10. We've had a series of random things that we've not had or lost or weren't working that we discovered just as E arrived.  It was a fairly comical reflection of our chill preparation for this round.  For example, somehow a strap was missing from the base of the car seat that was necessary to use the latch system so we had to order a new base the day he was born. We also strangely have very few new born washcloths so had to find more of those and discovered when we finally decided we had to supplement with formula that we had no newborn sized bottle bits.  Perhaps most humorously (and by humorous, I largely mean annoying) we discovered that M has "misplaced" the receiver to the new baby monitor so we can't use it and have looked all over to no avail.  We finally gave up and ordered another one and are hoping that will cause us to find the first one.  It has been fairly comedic all told, but I think we've finally pulled it all together and no one is worse off for the chaos, happily.

That's it for a busy, unique week.  I feel so blessed to have this new little one in our family.  It certainly has its difficulties, particularly for the siblings adjusting, but he is a wonderful, amazing gift.  Thank you all so much for your kind words and well-wishes on E's arrival.  We so appreciate your kindness, thoughtfulness, and support. 

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