Sunday, June 17, 2012

Scrappy Sunday

Shockingly, I've scrapbooked another event! So unlike me these days  I followed the pattern from the Easter pages I did for M last week creating a two page spread with a half page in the middle to chronicle one of the showers I was given when pregnant with M.  Most of the product is from Add-on 2 of the June SC kit.  I bought it on impulse and am so enamored with those butterflies.  I tried chalk inks and an assortment of Mister Huey's and loved all the resist patterns and cool color combinations.  LOVE the butterflies!

The cool tape around the edge is washi tape from Freckled Fawn.  As you can see, still deep into my washi love.

Next up, a simple page about M having a blast playing with a variety of spoons on her high chair tray, right as she turned one.

I hadn't done a "friend" page lately so here is one about play dates with the Hopper kids featuring the October Afternoon Sidewalks line.

Recently, M has been learning the OU Chant so I was inspired to make her an OU page.   It features pictures from October 2010, but include the more recent story too.  This was much more a stash v. new product page, but fun things I'm glad to have captured.

Note: As I've been particularly productive in my scrapbooking of late I've pre-loaded a series of the Scrappy Sunday posts for what I anticipate will be a "maternity leave" of sorts from crafting.  I hope you enjoy these and that I return to my scrapbooking desk soon.
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