Sunday, July 8, 2012

Scrappy Sunday

The St. Louis Magic House has this awesome three-story slide.  B loved going down it and did it MANY times in our summer 2011 visit.  I love the expression on his face most of all.

I love purple, but rarely scrapbook with it.  I made an exception here with M's early show pictures and her adorable purple and white hat from Aunt Tracie.  The background is crumpled dress pattern paper from one of the April SC Add-ons that I'm still figuring out what to do with.  Thoughts?

These next two are flash backs to B in the summer of 2009.  Here he is experimenting with alternative uses for his picnic table. 

This page uses the June SC kit exclusively.  We were exploring the local park and climbing the same rocks his daddy had as a boy.  B and his Uncle Able had a great time. 

This page I made the Sunday before welcoming our new little one.  It is more from the June SC kit and all about M's love for swinging while at the farm.  I love this fascinating paper and her fun with Daddy and the swing. 

Note: As I've been particularly productive in my scrapbooking of late I've pre-loaded a series of the Scrappy Sunday posts for what I anticipate will be a "maternity leave" of sorts from crafting.  I hope you enjoy these and that I return to my scrapbooking desk soon.
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