Sunday, September 15, 2013

Week in the Life: Sunday

7:00 am  - E slept all night after we got him back to bed around 9:30.  At 7am, I picked him up and noticed the rash had spread up his legs and looked a little different.  We dithered and talked to the on-call staff about it. We will see Dr. Simmons at 10am on Monday.  E did very well today, actually and doesn't seem too bothered by it until evening. Oddly, the big kids didn't get up until after we had been up with E for awhile, which was unusual. 

7:48 am - No fancy breakfasts today while I was stressing out.  B made himself oatmeal.  Can you imagine that he's already tall enough to use the microwave at 6.5 years old? He did get a lesson in microwave saftey as well.  Most everyone else had cereal. I, of course, bucked the trend and had my preferred whole grain English muffin with Snyder PB and Fleur de Sel.  E and I did a bit of his reading homework we forgot on Friday and talked about what's up next this week.
9:29 am - More dithering, but after talking to the on-call folks I decide to go running and the kids and Brent felled our mighty sunflower as it had died and we don't want to really be sunflower farmers next year:)  Before and during that activity they did some bug observation and found several including this one. 

10:25 am I ran 3.8 miles and it felt fine. It was slow by most people's standards, but I keep going.  My feet aren't too bad at the moment, but wish miraculously my right foot/ankle would be OK.  This week I added a second pair of running shoes and am now alternating and not running consecutive days.  We shall see. After a shower, I started cleaning up the office a bit while the kids and Brent played.  E fell asleep and the others helped put away things I was finding in the office.  A "ghost" of some kind got shaving cream all over Brent and my bathroom so he cleaned that and then I fought the spiderwebs/mud daubbers for awhile. 

12:58 pm - Lunch was a simple mix of left overs.  It morphed into some creative/ learning play.  M chose to work on What's Gnu? It is a game that includes forming three letter words based on which letters come up and work with your cards.  She doesn't have a long attention span, but is getting better.  It is tough to realize that not every combination of letters really spells things and today we tried to learn how valuable vowels are. 

12:58 pm B asked if he could play with his grapes and make something with his food.  I agreed so long as he promised to eat his tools. We, sadly have no tooth picks so this kid-inspired geometry fun had to use skewers. Here he is building a dog, but also a cube.  Great fun, right? We talked a little here and there about three-dimensional shapes, but nearly all of this was inspired by and done by him. 

12:59 E needed lots of holding, especially by Daddy. 

1:04 pm - Next up, two cubes / retancular prism.  

1:13 pm - He moved on to a pyramid and then connected his triangular prism and cube and a few other variations including making a head and tail for the "cube dog".  All grapes were eaten-- although Daddy may have helped a bit more with that. 

1:37 pm - LEGO block time.  M built a car and B built a house.  He also provided some technical guidance for M's car.  She then turned it into a mobile diving board unit or something.  E and I also tried to build some sort of a vehicle while Brent painted, but he was losing interest by then. 

2:01 pm - The painting continues at snail pace.  We do roughly a wall a week.  It is only done Sunday afternoon/evenings, typically when E is sleeping and then when the kids go to bed at night.  Here, you can see, we missed the E sleeping window with our other cleaning tasks so he is helping.  Yes, this is going to take forever at this pace, but the only way to really speed up and not go crazy is to have someone either help us and/or watch our kids for several hours elsewhere.  (Volunteers?)
2:59 pm - E was usually just fine, but occasionally hard to please as he kept getting into fights with the broom.  First, the big broom wouldn't do what he wanted and then his little broom started frustrating him too. 

4:27 pm - A came over to play.  The girls are dressed strangely alike today.  They went on a bug hunt, had juice on the porch, and built another umbrella shelter. 

4:35 pm  I started making dinner ridiculously early for some reason..  It was a variation on chicken coconut curry, but so far from the recipe that I won't bother linking to it.  I might share might my experiment here soon. Fun fact, I accidentally grabbed the wrong curry - I was going to use some Garam Masala, but instead 1/2 of the curry in this is actually Madras Curry and therefore a bit more peppery than I'd intended.  We let it sit for awhile so the kids could play with the neighbors as it was ready so early.  When they started coming to blows it was suddenly dinner time!
4:38 pm - E liked playing outside with the bigs, but every now and then needed to come in and touch base. His method of conveying that was, of course, banging on the storm door :)

5:31 pm - B "said" he'd tried the curry, but Brentand I both knew that if he had he would have overreacted about the heat.  He took "another" bite and Yeah, ran for some milke.  (oops?) It was hysterical and even he found it amusing. 

4:55 pm - This week's wall  is mostly high up so Brent continued trimming along it when there were breaks in the action or when I could corrale E.  Here, all the kids are playing with the neighbors, and we're chatting/painting/cooking, which was nice. 

6:44 pm - Post dinner electronics time.  E took a long bath with baking soda, but did not like his towel and was very happy to be back with Daddy. I think I sang him Itsy Bitsy Spider maybe 100 times today. 
7:26 pm - M and I read Barbie books. I wore E's blanket and he jammed to tunes on my phone. 

9:02 pm - Kids in bed and 2nd coat of painting finished we came back to the office (now cleaner!) to check in online and maybe do a bit of Project Life.

9:45 - E wakes up in time for his next does of meds, has some milk, and does some walking with Daddy

10:11 - All three of us are off to watch some Arrested Development.  Wish us luck!

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