Sunday, October 23, 2016

I was missing you Mama.

Last spring, as E's time as a "bluebird" ended, I was sad about not walking along the wall with him each day, and not walking him in to his classroom for that final big hug.  I do definitely miss those things.  A new sweet moment is emerging that I don't want to forget.

Each day when I walk up to claim him from his teachers outside, he grabs my hand looks up, smiles, and says "I was missing you Mama."  I always reply:  "I was missing you too, E."

There was a time when this probably would have brought on waves of mommy guilt over him missing me. Now, I'm older and more experienced, if not wiser and understand that we are both OK.  He hasn't spent all day being sad.  He is just happy to seem me again and glad we're together. It is good to be missed.  I love what a great job this little one does of taking care of his mama.  He remains the best snuggler, first to bring me my water, first to check and see if I'm OK, and now is full of big boy conversation.

I could talk to him all day.  In fact, we recent had E and mama's day of fun, but that is a longer story for another day. 

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