Friday, December 9, 2016

December Daily 2016 - Day 8

 Day 8 (right hand page & number) - Books!
 I wrote the journaling on the back of the tag so the other spaces could be used for photos. Basically, it talks about our love of books.  We began in the morning with M, B, and me gathering all of our Christmas/Winter/festive books and hauling them downstairs so we will read them more during this month.... there are a lot? I managed to have lunch with B-- my favorite voracious reader.  I used to go every month before we moved and I switched to full time. Now, I maybe made it once last year.  Surely we can do a bit better? When the kids got home, we read through the stack for about 40 minutes before swimming. During swimming practice at the lighthouse, the littles and I quickly decided it was too cold for the playground so off to the bookstore we went and each got a book. Then back home for lots more ready of our favorites before bed and more reading of new books in bed for M&B!
 Here is the spread with the tag flipped over.  The lower photo is from lunch. The upper one is of our first dive in to the Christmas books that afternoon. For their first choices: E chose the pop up Christmas at the Zoo (which we actually have been ready for weeks), M chose The Christmas Wish (which was our new book last Christmas), and B chose The Jacket I Wear in the Snow, that his kindergarten teacher gave him.  Also, M had at school from an author and we bought that book too to add to our Christmas collection.  It is called Reindeer Shoes and is by an Oklahoma author.

How cool is that huge "read" word? It is from a prior Ali Edwards Story kit and fit perfectly here.  I may add some more things to the pocket, but we shall see how day 9 evolves.  (Hint, it involves Candy Canes)

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