Friday, November 21, 2008


Remember Molly from yesterday, right? Well, today I got an e-mail from her grandfather saying:

"She's a beautiful baby - looks so perfect. However, it was found she has a blood disorder associated lack of white blood cells. Molly is in the infant ICU and we hear she will be there for a least a few more days or longer. Information from tests, etc. is still incoming."

So, I don't know exactly what the problem is, but know it would be so tough as a parent (and the child of course) to go through this. Please spare, a thought and a prayer for my friend and her little one today. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

My prayers are with Molly and her family. Please update us as you are able to.

Jamie said...

My heart goes out to that precious miracle and her family. They are in my prayers. And, yes, please update as you know anything.


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