Monday, November 16, 2009

A Day of Milestones

Some days it seems kids take a big leap forward all at once. Today, felt like one of those days. The new steps were:

Brendan took a nap in his new pair of Spiderman big-boy undies and.... woke up dry!! This is a big deal. Learning to go properly when awake may be tricky, but asleep is harder for obvious reasons. He had woken up a couple times in the last week with a dry pull-up and wanted to sleep in his new pair of comfy undies today and I cautiously agreed. We were all so excited and proud. I think we may actually have the anticipated "potty party" someday as today from the new undies on it felt like he was making progress on going when need be and keeping things dry. (Mind you he has had big boy undies for sometime. We just got a new size/designs today.)

Maggie has two milestones - first she made it to and from the airport in her car seat without crying! This is a huge step as only rarely had she made it that far in even one direction without crying previously. Still cries frequently in the car, but this was big progress. Her second is that we're pretty sure she is teething. Yes, I know it is early and you probably think we're crazy, but still. Here are our symptoms: excessive drool, chapped cheek from said drool, crying, fussy, bites on everything, refuses to feed at times and eats a lot at others, rubs her face, can feel the nubs of teeth. Nothing has broken through and yeah it could still be months, but today everything she is doing this evening is classic teething behavior straight out of the book. I feel so sorry for our little miss.

Big day and probably a long night with fussy miss so I'm off to sleep to await another one.

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