Monday, February 22, 2010

Bed of Roses?

Sometimes I think that motherhood can be like a bed of roses. It can be beautiful, sweet and soft.  So precious and wonderful.  But in that bed there are thorns there are parts that hurt, challenge and stress.  The parts are often hidden so when you stubble on them the pain is more intense.  Lately, in the midst of all these beautiful memories/experiences I've been posting about the thorns have come as well.

 Maybe it is the fact that all/some of us have been sick for nearly a month (M diagnosed again today with an ear infection-- this time double).  Maybe it is the being vomitted on, the hair pulling, the crying.  Maybe it is the three year old dragging his feet and refusing to eat his dinner while we play stubborn (yes, we were victorious as if I am one thing, it is probably stubborn).  Maybe it is hurting myself last week and not eating right/exercising with all of it going on.  Maybe it is just too many balls in the air--- just too much stress, too much worry, too much pain,  too much love, too much all at once.  Then, all of a sudden it is roses again as my children laugh at each other or smile and love me.

So yeah, I struggle, but guess what's better.  I'm not alone and I am loved so much by so many. Randomly today, I wandered into a few blogs, emails and videos reaffirming motherhood, and the importance of the struggle, thorns and all.  This post by Mom-101 was a wonderful, particularly as it led me to this video that I think you will appreciate so I had to share as even the thorns are part of the story, but shouldn't keep us from the roses and from being the best parents we can. Hope you're loving the roses and know the rest of us are here to help when you stumble into the thorns.


Jamie said...

Hang in there! Sendng hugs and kisses your way. You are a fantastic mother and woman with a strong support system - you can do anything!

Mom101 said...

I'm so glad you found that video inspirational. If I could get paid to watch it all day, I totally would.

Hang in there mama. There's always daylight on the other side.


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