Sunday, February 21, 2010

Lego Mans

(Yes, B insistes they are "mans" not men... we're working on it)

Brent has a lovely collection of star wars legos. Some are assembled to decorate our office and B's birthday parties this year, but many more remain in the closet. B has already inherited this bug for building. Brent has received a couple kits recently via his birthday and Christmas and completed the massive Death Star kit he's been working on for awhile. B was his right hand man in all of these. He asked every day to help make the spaceships. As they work, he is tasked with counting the bumps to make sure they have the right piece. He is also the official piece retriever should any fall (they do).

Brent loves it too. It does take longer and there are some frustrations as B is not always as gentle or patient as these projects requires. He bought B his first space ship lego, a buzz lightyear version for his birthday this year that was his favorite toy. Brent is gently introducing Star Wars as well as B learns to say things like Supreme Chancellor Palpatine (can you find him in these pictures?)

We don't just build these ships though. They are played with aggresively. This means there is also a lot of re-building. Consequently, I'm learning a few lego repair tricks as well. Although relatively often Brent has to repair my repair jobs, for some reason. There is a struggle to not lose any pieces in the process. So far, I think Brent's ships remain complete, but there are a couple pieces that have escaped from B's. There is a strict rule that all play stops to find any missing pieces.

I am so glad they have this shared hobby. It is so wonderful to watch them work and play together on these masterpieces. I hope they can enjoy this for many years and I know we'll treasure the memories even longer.

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