1. Adorable M at Nate's party - courtesy of Tracie!
2. Can you believe that Brent's school started on Monday and MDO starts tomorrow? We met B's new teacher and discovered that only two of his prior classmates will be in his class, but I am optimistic about the new year. More on that tomorrow when it is underway.
3. I made this Potato Soup today to celebrate the drop in temps (into the 90s). With a couple very minor edits, it was actually very tasty.
4. I am a scrapbook nerd as previously mentioned and going to my first Creating Keepsakes Convention in Tulsa with my buddy Chrissie this weekend. I have no idea which classes I'll end up taking, but did just discover that Kelly Purkey is teaching something so I will definitely try to include that!
5. My friend Mary is coming to town! I haven't seen her since probably Christmas and am so hoping we get to visit before I leave for T-town. If you haven't checked out her occasional blogging, take a peak. She is a great writer, musician and all around fabulous gal. (She was my first college roommate and I love that we're still friends!)
6. I injured myself somehow over the weekend and then probably made it worse by doing the long Sunday Zumba class on Sunday anyway. On Monday my sternum/collar bone/shoulders hurt so much I thought I might be having a heart attack. I reluctantly skipped Zumba today and am beginning to marginally improve, but still uncomfortable and a bit cranky.
7. Apparently, they attempted to deliver our dining set yesterday without ever actually talking to us about that so we missed it. The Crate & Barrel staff have been absolutely lovely. Their delivery contractor guy is not at all and is definitely on my bad list. At any rate, we won't have our belongings for another two weeks at least.
8. Tough day in the Zane medical story. (Told by Audra here). Please keep remembering them in your prayers. We love you Korenaks!
9. I attempted to buy the guys their "back to school clothes" only to have to return every single piece for not fitting. (OK, we kept one shirt for B, but largely because he had taken the tag off). I also attempted to buy M shoes and neither pair fits -- partly due to her feet being thick like mine. Here goes the merry go-round of returns and re-purchasing, which is not nearly as fun as the first purchasing spin.
10. In happier news, here is one of the layouts from yesterday, inspired by my BPS Big Idea Fesitval. I chose to chronicle some of the many baby girls born to me and my friends in the last couple years. I even learned to pleat tape! Yes, that fun gray and white pleated stuff is actually artisan tape from Pink Paislee. It may be my new favorite product.
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