Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Things We Love -Right Now

For the BPS Big Idea Festival, we have a daily prompt each morning with an open-ended phrase. Yesterday morning, it was "I Love..." The obvious answer is things like, my friends and family, little girl dimples, funny boy stories, etc... and all those are of course true. I thought, however, it might be a good time to stop and record what activities or things we are each loving at this moment as well as loving the people in our lives.

Brent continues to enjoy legos. He and B put together the above cluster within moments of its arrival as a gift to B from Erik and Kelly. Granted, he also very much likes playing video games online, reading about science and hanging out with us.

B, randomly, is VERY in to vacuuming this week. As you probably know, his Granddaddy works for Dyson so we have pretty good access to excellent vacuums. He literally uses this little one until the battery wears out then puts it back to charge and repeats a few hours later. I am told he vacuumed the entire house on Saturday with the big vacuum while I was in Tulsa. He also is very in to legos, video games and various games on the iPad as well as floor puzzles.

M is such a girl already. She loves to accessorize and will find these little necklaces around the house and drape them on in layers, even double looping ones that are long enough. For her tea party with Able, Katie and I this week, she had on two necklaces, her cape and a bow. She also loves to snuggle her babies, chew on everything and climb on and off her little chairs.

 I love M and I's new favorite activity in which she hands me her baby, then climbs into my lap. (Sadly no pictures yet as I don't want to break the moment) She takes her baby back and we each hold our baby (mine
being her), pat them and snuggle. This last between three seconds and three minutes and I enjoy every instant. As usual, I also am enjoying scrapbooking, reading, and Zumba!

All of us love the increase in joint sibling adventures. They are playing and snuggling
The Original Sock Monkey with Pink, Chocolate and Red Stripes - 18 Inches Tallmore together. They play chase, hug, hide, play peek-a-boo, feed each other, and playvarious other made-up games including a tickling game involving the sock monkey Erik and Kelly got M. It is so enjoyable for the participants and the observers.

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