1. I heard "To Make You Feel My Love" sung by Garth Brooks at our scrapbooking retreat this weekend and it has been pretty much stuck in my head ever since so here it is if anyone else wants to join me:
Yes, I hadn't heard much Garth in a decade either as I don't listen to country music much anymore, but ah the memories.
2. We had Ravioli with Apples and {Pecans} yesterday and it was the perfect dinner. It reminded me exactly of something I would order and love in a restaurant. As an added bonus, it was very quick and popular with the kids too. I substituted Pecans for Walnuts, as usual, and it was a taste treat.
3. I've added a donation button for the Danny Blakley Pioneer Scholarship fund to the left bar of my blog. This is a scholarship we had talked about setting up for years and seemed a fitting way for him to be able to continue to help the students at Pi-Hi. You can donate via the button or via contacting the First Bank & Trust in Covington - 4th St, Covington, OK 73730, (580) 864-7421. We greatly appreciate your donations to this scholarship fund as well as the ongoing prayers and support.
4. Miracle of miracles, I actually have managed to get B registered for swimming class in October. I didn't quite get M signed up even though there is a perfect, contiguously timed class because apparently we neglected to tell the Y she was born as she doesn't appear in our family list. I'm unclear how this could be as I told them when I suspended my account during maternity leave, but am relatively sure we can work it out tomorrow....
5. I started working on the entries for the Me, The Abridged Version album. Being the Type A person I am I started with "A" and was pretty much immediately in tears as my entry for "Abbey" included its meaning as "joy to her father" and proceeded to cry more as I encountered D - "Dad". May be a tough writing project, but I feel like it is one I need to do. (Ps. Big Picture Scrapbooking has now changed their name to Big Picture Classes to reflect its expansion into a broader range of classes including general crafts and photography).
6. I returned to Zumba today. I felt not quite in the swing of things, but still love it and am going to the Nathan Blake Master Class on Saturday and would love it if anyone wanted to join me. It is from 4-5:30 at Crossroads mall. Tickets are $15 in advance and available here.
8. The weather has been terrifically lovely. We had such a nice night out in the garden. Can you believe the green bean harvest we found? I planted the green beans quite late after pulling out the wilted lettuce and spinach, but was pleasantly surprised that they are actually producing.
9. Brent is grading tests next to me. It appears that having never had Zoology I would have been able to ace the anatomy diagram of an embryonic vertebrate on his exam, unlike many of his students...
10. While out basking in the evening glow yesterday the light was just right and we got some amazing pictures. I think my favorite is this one of Lady M.
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