Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thankful Thursday

This is week four in our Thankful Thursday installments:

I am thankful for: little things

We are now through day four of our 30 Days of Gratitude and I'm finding that we're focusing on little daily things more than I'd thought.  Today's list, for instance, includes: the oven, bread, games, pajamas, and crayons.  Most things on our lists are like this - the things that are simple and in our daily life.  Here are a few:

Cheeze-Its - We volunteered to bring Cheeze-its for B's class snacks.  In the process of buying and bringing them I discovered that B is apparently a big fan.  This made me a bit teary, of all things, because my Dad LOVED Cheeze-Its.  It was great as it allowed me an opportunity to tell a story about my Dad to my son and draw a connection between them.

Homemade Bread - My Mom taught me how to make homemade bread sometime when I was in college, but I didn't really master it until later when I was far from home.  Now, I think I make a pretty good batch.  B wanted cinnamon rolls after our flu shots this week and we made extra dough.  We ended up with a loaf of bread, a dozen cinnamon rolls and a dozen or so ranch burgers.  They have been amazing dinners, snacks and breakfast for my family in the last two days.  I enjoy making it and enjoy watching my kids make the bread with me and eat the fruit of our labors.

Scrapbooking - I've been making an effort to squeeze in some crafting everyday.  It tends to help me cam down enough to sleep and seems to help improve my overall balance.  Of course it has the extra benefit of preserving our families memories in a lovely way as well as joining me to an amazing community of other scrapbookers. Most of all it makes me happy

I do have one very big thing to be thankful for this week.  In case you haven't heard --- My Brother Is Moving Back to Oklahoma!!!  How exciting is that? He will be back in early December and I am so excited.  

Hope you have a lovely week and take the time to be thankful for the big AND little things.

1 comment:

Renee said...

Abbey, your post is so heart warming. Thanks for sharing all that you did. I can really relate. Oh, I am so happy to hear about your brother. That is great news! I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Take care!


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