Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Day 7: Savoring Home & Family

Today, I struggled searching for our story as nothing very Christmassy
 happened. In looking through my pictures, I saw everyday things I loved. I began to realize that the story was home filled with a family that loves each other as underlies the entire focus of Christmas.

Today, it was B eating his wacky pack from Sonic (a semi-weekly ritual that he and I have), morning hot chocolate prompted by our Advent calendar, kids playing in sudden, brief snow and having a "picnic" with Grandma complete with fake food, B practicing his tracing, M playing her recorder and hiding behind the Christmas tree, family dinner, and bedtime stories with Daddy. There was a lot of every day today, but I love everyday. Everyday is not easy, and honestly is filled with challenges, but it is also overflowing with joy and people and activities I love.

This everyday was special though. This everyday was the begining of the everydays that include Uncle Able living in Oklahoma and joining our lives on a more daily basis. I love watching my kids get to know him and how they love their time with him. I love the joy that is family and the joy of our family in our home. I am so excited to have more time with family in the coming weeks as we celebrate Christmas and the special bond of home, faith and family together.

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