Saturday, January 1, 2011

One Little Word 2011

As mentioned previously, I have signed up for Ali Edward's One Little Word 2011 class and overall commitment to consciously working with and reflecting on this word for the coming year.  I like her explanation or what we're going to do with this word.

And what do you do with this one little word?
You live with it. You invite it into you life. You let it speak to you. You might even follow where it leads. There are so many possibilities. ~ Ali Edwards
Without further ado, my word for 2011 is: Savor
Savor is used as both a noun and a verb.  I am most interested in the verb as it is something I plan to "do" but here are various definitions I found from Mirriam Webster online:
transitive verb
: to give flavor to : season
a : to have experience of : tasteb : to taste or smell with pleasure : relishc : to delight in : enjoy <savoring the moment
intransitive verb
: to have a specified smell or quality 
: the taste or smell of something
: a particular flavor or smell
: a distinctive quality

Personal importance:
  •  Savoring the moment -- not trying to do ten things at once ALL the time.  If my kids are playing, I want to join in more and observe or do my own thing less.  I want to embrace the fleetingness of this time in all its uniqueness and delight in it.  My ongoing journey of finding the joy and marvel in everyday continues.
  • Savoring food -- I begin again my fitness and weight loss journey each January.  I want to think more consciously about savoring my food.  I want to really taste all its wonder and not rush through.  I want to pick my food more carefully for what it gives my body as well as the taste.  I know that if I truly enjoy each small wonderful bite I will likely succeed at eating less.
  • Savor - I want to add flavor to the lives around me, to enrich my surroundings as only I uniquely can. 
It is not that I think I have done poorly in these areas in the last year.  Rather, these are things I think about frequently.  I am picking my word to keep it present in my daily life, to think about how to improve this area, and to live more consciously with these goals in mind.  These concepts will be present for me long past 2011, but my hope is that by taking time to focus on these overlapping notions of Savor I will be more fully present in 2011 for myself and my family.

Do you have one little word? I will check in with mine here off and on throughout the year and as the class progresses and invite you to join me in whatever way suits your year.  

Happy New Year!  May your year be filled with great joy!

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