Today, our sweet B is literally turning five on Friday. There is a lot to say, but give that he is five and it is my five on Friday slot I'll try to stick with five "big" things from this year.
1. Learning to read - I'm amazed how quickly this happened and how totally awesome it is. Sure, there is still a lot of room to grow here, but a massive milestone. Going to Pre-K has helped as well as he gets to practice in both places and with different "instructors." I think trips to the library through the fall and summer were also a great impetus to learn to read from books on subject he loves.
February 2011 |
2. New sibling/new space - This is very recent so maybe it just feels really big, but his role as a big brother has grown and changed a lot this year. He and M are more playmates than ever. They have all sorts of games and fun together without me for long stretches. It is amazing. Sure, they argue plenty over ridiculous things and there are still tears, but watching them together is magical. I also love how he is embracing the new sibling on the horizon. For example, yesterday I asked what he wanted to do with some of his birthday money from Great-Granddaddy. He thought about it and then said he wanted to buy a toy for the new baby. (Here, I melt into an absolute puddle on the floor). He has also been wonderful so far about the shift of M's stuff into his space and the changes that are coming as "his" room moves to "our" room. I love his generosity and sweetness when others need help. Sometimes I do have to remind him that I am M's mom, not him, but usually he is just trying to help.
June 2011 |
3. Sports - just before he turned four, B began swimming lessons in earnest. He took them routinely for about six months before taking the summer off. That led to the fall full of soccer with its many challenges, but peaking in triumphant fun and joy. We briefly returned quite happily to swimming before trying basketball. Basketball is tricky and I don't yet know how that story ends, but he is trying it and we shall see. For now, it seems like he really enjoys soccer and swimming and that is wonderful as we try to encourage him to keep his body healthy.
September 2011 |
4. Video Games - Sure, he has been playing video games since he was probably 2, but this year, his skills and interests make a huge leap. He can do all sorts of things I can't do, has good focus, and seems to be learning more of the basic things that make gaming work which is interesting. He is also starting share his love with volumes of stories about the various games to a wider circle of people in his life. I think I like this more than the games as he is so enthusiastic, descriptive and full of energy about this passion and so wants to share it with others. I like that he teaches my Mom how to play and that he invites me to come watch him on sleepy mornings before M wakes up. I also like them more than the phase of movie watching we've been in at times as he is learning some strategy, thinking, hand-eye coordination and cause/effect type lessons by doing something. There are still time limits, but I like the evolution of his hobby.
October 2011 |
5. Thoughtful Conversations - We are very lucky that both of our kids started talking at relatively early ages. B is, however, a bit quieter and harder to get information out of than his sister. This year I feel like we've had more real conversations. We can and do talk about everything - death, God, Grandpa, how things work, what is happening next, why things are they way they are, why we work, why we exercise, what his preferences are, anything really. I am discovering as my mom has that he does talk more when it is dark or quiet without other distractions, but sometimes he will start a thoughtful conversation out of the blue about something like why Daddy has to work or what season it is. I love talking, and love talking most of all with my kids. I love hearing their world view and talking through the wonder of their days. I am so happy to share in these special moments and to help him grow and learn.

Happy Birthday sweet boy. We are so very proud of you and so blessed to be your parents and share this wonderful ride of life together. I enjoyed the last year and am so excited to see what wonderful things are coming next for you!
It always amazes me how much children change in the course of one year...Happy Birthday to Brendan!
What a lot of changes to take place in the span of just twelve months. Makes me wonder how we have changed and grown in the last year. I have seen you become calmer and more flexible this year. Maybe it was partially due to your word Savor and your work with it. I am not in pieces on the floor any more and to me that is a great advancement for a years time. Wonder what next year will hold.
What a lot of changes to take place in the span of just twelve months. Makes me wonder how we have changed and grown in the last year. I have seen you become calmer and more flexible this year. Maybe it was partially due to your word Savor and your work with it. I am not in pieces on the floor any more and to me that is a great advancement for a years time. Wonder what next year will hold.
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