Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Looking Back: Leap Year 2008

Today, I was pondering what I might have been doing on the last leap year in 2008.

Here are my guesses at the scene back then.

  • Friday, February 29, 2008
  • Renting a house in Alexandria, VA in Del Ray with husband and slightly more than 1 year old B
  • Driving - Jetta and Accord
  • B wasn't walking yet.
  • Working full time as Assistant General Counsel and teaching for Drexel
  • Brent was doing his Post-Doc at the NIH
  • B is in an in-home child care set up while I work during the day
  • No idea we would be moving to Oklahoma in just a few short months
  • We apparently took zero pictures last leap day -- hoping to change that today.
  • Clinton/Obama primary competition continued, but we'd already voted in VA

The scene today:
  • Wednesday, February 29, 2012
  • Live in our own home in Edmond, OK with husband, 5 yo B, and 2.5 yr old M
  • Pregnant with baby boy 
  • B is missing a tooth with others loose and quite expert in all things video game related
  • M is a singing, dancing, talking, walking, full of energy little girl.
  • Driving- Jetta and Accord (at least for a bit longer)
  • Working part time as Associate General Counsel
  • Brent is working at OSSM
  • Both kids are in school five hours a day at MDO
  • No huge life changes on the horizon beyond the new baby, but clearly one can never tell!
  • Romney/Santorum/Gingrich/Paul primaries continue -- OK has yet to vote

In both cases, the next day is my birthday. Last time, it appears we went out for breakfast and then the Alexandria St. Patrick's Day parade.  Who knows what fun might come this birthday!

1 comment:

Summer said...

this is a great idea, wish i had read it on leap day so i could start the tradition of taking pics! next time!


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