Sunday, February 12, 2012

Scrappy Sunday

Week Two of Scrappy Sunday - Any thoughts or suggestions on the new feature?  I, as always, love any feedback you might have. (You can see week one here with my thanks to Stephanie Howell for the inspiration)

This layout was prompted by a CHA Challenge on Two Peas In a Bucket to "scrap the stats."  I rarely actually do this, but do have blog posts with nearly all of the kids "stats" since B was 18 months old or so.  The facts here are drawn from M's 9 month blog post.  It actually ended up being my favorite of the weekend and one I'm very glad to have in my book.

This one started out with a different story than I ended up telling.  It ended up being a story about my Mom teaching M to sing from a young age and the rich tradition tha tis with women in our family.

We needed a lil' B layout as well.  This one, technically, was in response to the "Hexagons" challenge at Two Peas (can you spot them).  I did really like telling the story of B's ability to focus on what he's doing even when M is going nuts nearby.

M chose these pictures for our second page together.  She wasn't quite as involved in this one, but did contribute lots of stickers and helped a bit with the cutting.  It probably wouldn't have been the first story I chose, but very messy toddlers at self-feeding time definitely is part of our story.

Looking at these as a group the trends in my style of late are:  Mister Huey splatters, painted borders, embellishments in threes across the page,these all have that little grouping in the upper right corner that I'm a fan of.  They are mostly from the year 2010 and several are about M.  We also learned that I scrapbook in spurts.  I did ten pages in a similar fashion at the beginning of January, and then did very little the rest of the month.  This time, I knew I would be gone so seized the moment and inspiration during the first week.  We'll see what the rest of February brings. 

  Things do cycle for me as to which stories I'm telling as well.  This week was a bit heavy on Lady M pages, but there are several about B or us as a family in there.  I do not track the overall rates as I really let my crafting for the day be motivated by which stories I feel like need telling just then or which photos are calling to me and that varies rather well across time.  I do have to consciously think about scrapbooking myself and check that there are pages about Brent and I too, but overall its a pretty relaxed process, which works well for me and my limited time. 
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Disclaimer: Technically all of these were made last weekend as I was away all week. 

1 comment:

Stephanie Howell said...

wow you have been BUSY! awesome!! especially love the page with the stats. love all of those journaling spots!xoxo


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