Sunday, February 5, 2012

Scrappy Sunday

One of my favorite moms, bloggers, and scrapbookers Stephanie Howell does a feature called Scrappy Sunday where she periodically features some of her recent work. I think I might add that as a semi-regular feature here too.  My "sources" tell me fewer of you check-in on the weekend and I suspect my audience "might" not be as in to scrapbooking as I am, but I do like to share my crafty things.  This seems like a good compromise so welcome to my first Scrappy Sunday.

Saturday I complete two layouts.  They are quite different in style and construction.  I love them both for wildly different reasons. 

This first page to a very long time to make.  In fact, I started the day before and then finished after more work on Saturday.  It includes roughly five of my favorite pattern papers, cardstock, bling, pearls, inking, buttons, spiffy wooden letters and a hand drawn border that I managed to relax and do without a ruler.  It is so lovely and inspired by similar hearts I've seen elsewhere.  It also has a great story of stolen kisses in the middle of chaos as this picture was taken last Valentine's Day when our kids bolted from an attempted family picture and are running crazily around just out of frame.  Also, as you've guessed by now, I just like pictures of Brent and I kissing.  I was in a much happier mood after finishing it.

Just as I was trying to get the heart shape a bit more perfect (still a bit wonky, but who's checking) M woke up.

She watched Brent play video games for a bit, and then came to the office and asked to sit on my lap and make a page.  We decided this one was done, and started afresh.  The total time elapsed was probably 15 minutes.  The below is what we made together.

She picked out the paper, did the stamping, and put adhesive on everything along with picking out embellishments.  It is far simpler, but still great.  Better still, the memory it will likely always preserve for me is making a page with her.  I will see it and remember her little hands squeezing glue on those cool wooden letters or selecting the perfect flower.  The page talks about our family walks to Sonic, but for me it is the day when M was ready to craft in a more patient cooperative way.  I am so excited to scrapbook more with her!

Ps. Totally unrelated to Scrappy Sunday, but we've finally decided to occasionally take belly pictures largely because we didn't with the other kids and the whole "last time" bit. Here we are at 21 weeks and a few days.  M, of course, insisted in joining in the picture fun as she is still happily loving having her pictures taken. This is my third shirt of the day having spilled stuff on the tummy of the other two so really feeling a bit pregnant now.

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1 comment:

Debra Dotter Blakley said...

I like that the heart is a little out of round. I would leave it that way if I were you. Married love isn't perfect; Pride and Prejudice is a fairly tale. Each time you see it's imperfection you will remember why you didn't get to finish it and smile at the memory of your sweet girl when she was just a soft babe in arms.


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