Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Ten on Tuesday

1. Today's first discover at Gymnastics was the "I'm Elmo and I know it" this is, apparently, a parody of the LMFAO Sexy and I know it song.  Below is the cleaner "Elmo" version we used for our warm-up dance today.

2.  The second thing we learned is that I probably shouldn't be helping M with the zipline as today, at one point, we crashed to the mats together.  My friend Bethany (a PA) was looking on and chided me sternly against such behavior as landing on one's tummy just now is probably not a bright idea. (She spent much of her pregnancy on bed rest and knows all too well that avoiding that is key). Not to worry, Ms. Darby gallantly has promised to handle all zipline assists with M for the future as she also, somehow, doesn't want baby boy injured during kiddie gymnastics.  I did, earlier in the class, refrain from climbing to the deep corners of the marshmallow pit and let some helpful Dad pull M to the mats after her big flying jump.  This avoided and issues with me not being able to get out either.

3.  Big props to my little bro who came by and fixed my brakes while I was at gymnastics.  I traded him editing of his marketing vision statement (Ok and a check too).  It appears I just can't read things without inserting commas hither thither and yon these days.

4.  Mardi Gras - They had a little Mardi Gras celebration at MDO today, complete with pizza, masks, a strand of beads for the older kids, and King Cake.  We did have pancakes, bacon, and strawberries at home to celebrate with Uncle Able.  Tomorrow, the plan is to try to make it to Ash Wednesday service over lunch if I can get my work to calm down for a few minutes (today I was on the phone for 4.5 of my 5 hours of work... if that is a clue).

5.  So just a few weeks ago, I was commenting to Brent on the sweet little baby movements, the nostalgia for this last time, how nice they were, etc.... I noted this would soon probably not be so fun, and amazingly, in just a couple weeks, he has grown enough that things are starting to be less comfortable as he invades my rib cage (cue costochondritis worries).

6.  For an interesting change of pace, the kids had school on Monday, but Brent and I were off work for President's Day.  We dropped the kids off at school together (a first- and something I've always wanted to try as oddly many sets of parents do this every time).  Then, we had coffee before spending an hour and half or so in the ultrasound process again.  We got to see little bit who is now about 1.5 pounds and apparently doing well.  It appears he is still measuring a bit smaller overall, but his head measurements are large as with all our kids.  Still very much a boy.  We even had a fun lunch together at Pachenko Parlor before heading home to ponder new car options (less fun).

7.  While waiting for the ultrasound, we made our meal plan/grocery list and the first thing we made were these Ham & Cheese Sliders.  I thought they were awesome.  The kids, apparently, did not appreciate the provolone we subbed in rather than the swiss it called for.  (B ate the bun and M the ham--- true to their typical form).  Next up is this tempting Spicy Beef and Cheesy Polenta recipe from Pioneer Woman... sometime after Wednesday.

8.  I did make it back to Zumba this week!  It was great fun if a bit of a different feel as my tummy has definitely expanded since my last visit a few weeks ago.  I'm glad I'm still doing it and had a great time.  Still being cautious with the exercise regime, but trying to gradually increase it when I can.

9.  I found this awesome post on the Gifts of Motherhood via the Huffington Post and have to share it.  So true!

10.  One more song to leave you with.  This is Man or Muppet from the recent Muppet Movie.  Here is a cool link from NPR about the process or writing the song, which is one of two songs nominated for this year's Best Song award.

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