Monday, February 20, 2012

Zoo Day

Very Pink Flamingos, yes?  Sunday, we took a quick trip to the zoo enjoying this lovely "winter" day with temperatures in the mid-50s.  Perfect for wandering and enjoying the sunshine.

Those two pictures were brought to you by me enjoying my telephoto--- apparently too much to remember to catch my kids as they flew off the slide.  Luckily, they loved it.

This rope climbing area is B's very favorite part of Zoo trips, bar none.  B seems to think Zoo trips these days are all about play areas more than about seeing the animals.  He does grudgingly view a few animals too, but bargains his way into plenty of play stops as well.

Brent & M being cute together as usual.  I have a series of them sliding from a year or so ago that will contrast nicely with the above as she has grown so much!

Black Rhino
All day M had been asking to see the Rhinos.  Luckily, there are four at our Zoo and they are quite prominently located.  When we actually went to see them and one started walking right towards her, she was terrified (as you can see above).  She had to be held and would not buy our explanations that the Rhino was not coming through the concrete wall.  She did, very nicely, say good-bye to each and every Rhino as we passed.

My three Zoo friends!

A little gymnastics practice on the weekends with lots of help from Daddy.

See, I promise little bit and I were there too.  I'm a bit tired today with a sore throat (grrrr) so I rested a lot, but that is the luxury of having Brent along for the adventure too.  We had a great time from our Sonic picnic through playgrounds, animals, climbing, crazy Condors, scary Rhinos and teary good-byes.  Hooray for good family fun!
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