Wednesday, March 21, 2012

One More Circle

Last week, B finally agreed that he was ready for a bicycle.

But in the meantime, took advantage of the awesome weather to take his little sister's tiny trike for a whirl around the cul de sac.

He is definitely the pro and has done this zillions of times.  I felt like I needed to record it this time as this phase of little trikes is ending.  (Oh, and having a zoom lens does help-- although I didn't zoom in all the way to give some sense of distance/space).

I think the shades really add to the look.

Safety first, but yes, I "might" like it better if we checked for cards before we go out into the street. 
And after one round, he was ready to give it back to sis and more sure that it was time for the next step up to a big bike.  Lots more adventures to come, I'm sure. 
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1 comment:

Audra said...

Aunt Audra needs to send him a helmet ASAP.


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