Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Ten on Tuesday

1. Humorous moment today, B tried to tell me he was speaking Spanish--- proceeded to not speak in Spanish-- was astonished to discover that I "knew" that it wasn't Spanish.  Apparently all those years of language classes are paying off.

2.  In a perhaps related vein, tomorrow is kindergarten sign up.  I am strangely unsettled and obsessively gathering paperwork as it turns out that there are lots of checklists and paperwork involved.  The lawyer in me then seems to react by needing to be over-prepared with every possible piece of paper.  The mom in me thinks this is ridiculous and is trying valiantly to not be "that" mom.  In short, we have no idea what we're doing, but our primary goal is to get into a "full day" slot.  Secondarily, I'm hoping it takes less than an hour.... Is that unrealistic?

3.  Limitations-- I actually pondered writing a whole post on this, but decided not to.  As you've probably already gathered I am not so good at limitations, physical, mental or other.  Usually, I just ignore them and move on to my ultimate goal rather than fixating on why it might not work.  I tend to treat pregnancy this way too and think I can do whatever just as well as when I'm not pregnant.  I was once again proven wrong when we attempted to plant our garden on Sunday in the 80 degree weather.  We did not finish and I ended up having to take a cold shower and take an hour and a half nap.  Sigh...

4.  M seems to be learning about gardening both from Grandma and from our planting day.  When left alone outside yesterday she planted one of the remaining plants in a large pot all by herself using only her hands to dig.  It "might" not have been the intended home for the plant, but we are embracing her initiative and after a little bit of scooting and tucking in leaving it in place.

5.  Fun scientist gardening moment,  I had us searching all over TLC for the pink double knock out roses.  Only hours later did Brent get the connection that I was actually talking about genetically modified plants and meant "knock out" in his geneticist way, not that I was just looking for ones named as "knockouts" because of their beauty.

6.  In search of a simpler, lower fat cupcake? This week we made some from a box mix and a 20 oz can of pineapple, including the juice.  They were moist and delicious.  I would recommend getting the smallest kinds of canned pineapple unless you are ok with the chunky texture with the other sizes.  Otherwise, just cook according to the directions.

7.  I am so in to fish right now.  I think I've had fish of one kind or another almost every other day this week.  Granted, a lot of it has been friend and probably not awesome for me, but tasty nonetheless.  Anyone have good fish recipes to share?  My kids were very fond of this Flounder Picata via Skinnytaste.  B also discovered that he likes chard even though he thought he would not.  (Victory!)

8.  We took the kids to the Big 12 Gymnastics Championships with a few friends and Grammy & Granddaddy.  I think a great time was had by all.  I am fairly sure that the popcorn and snowcones might have played a bigger role than the gymnastics, but it was quite fun and OU won!

9.  I had my 28 week OB appointment.  The appointment was fine and my Doctor even had some ideas for my still gnarly leg wound. The not so great news is that for the second time I was at the office waiting for about 1.5 hours before my appointment.  I guess the silver lining is that I had my work iPad with me and could work along for most of that time.  I am glad I live in an era of motherhood that includes iPads, iPhones, etc...as it certainly helps keep them and me entertained while waiting for our many appointments. (Yes, an iPad will likely be snuck in my bag for Kindergarten registration waiting time tomorrow).

10.  Today, I suddenly lucked into a hair appointment and Uncle Able helped out with some childcare.  The kids even got to go to the bank with him (which is a treat because there is always candy at banks for some reason).  I feel so lucky to have friends and family around to help with my kids and that my kids get to spend  time with so many awesome people.  (Not to mention cool family member who does my hair - thanks Janna!)

On top of all of that, we have been reading about and test driving cars...OK minivans... yes, we may soon become yet another cliche.  Thoughts or suggestions appreciated. 

1 comment:

Audra said...

Judging only on what I have heard from Trina, I tank kindergarten registration will take longer than an hour. Is this the one where he does all the test and stuff to see if he knows his numbers, colors, ect?


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